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Video on the left shows how working with the Frequencies of ADD and ADHD symptoms helps frustrated parents heal their children Parents are frustrated. Up to 12% of children are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. They show symptoms such as bad behavior, reduced effort, anger, poor exam results, lack of focus, frustration, hyperactivity, inattention, bad memory, inability to write/communicate well, ADHD swearing and ADHD crime. Many parents need a fast, safe, effective treatment to help their children. This new therapy validated by the Institute of Education at the University of London shows that relieving with the frequency of the symptom could be the answer. Parents are guided with a special form of “meditation” to find the color frequencies of their child’s symptoms. There is then a simple process to ‘adjust’ the negative color frequency to positive. It might sound strange, but it works! Over 90% of children are helped in 3 weeks. Contact us for more info... |
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The Video on the Right Demonstrates How to Find Weak Areas of the Lungs to Prepare for ADD or ADHD Therapy After this therapy, one mother said, “My child Paula is much better at home. She was explosive and now she is tolerant, follows instructions, and is sleeping better. She doesn’t protest any more, does house work much better, eats better and is less forgetful. She is doing her homework well and in less time. Also, she is playing with her sister more. Her sister told me Paula is an alien because she doesn’t get upset any more.” Over 90% of ADD and ADHD children are helped within 3 weeks. Children's home-life, and school work and exam results, improve. Unlike drugs, this is fast, safe and permanent relief. Parents need be frustrated no more! Please see our Audio Page for the BRACE technique. See www.allansweeney.com for other free ADD-ADHD videos and manuals. If you'd like to learn or receive therapy, please email [email protected] |