Apart from the introduction and ending by Allan, the following article was 100% as stated by Rita, the patient. Rita gave complete permission to publish her article in full, including her saying at the end that she was "cured", as she stated in this paragraph:
‘Since then (the Psychic Surgery) my stomach has certainly felt better than before. It used to gurgle incredibly noisily. Everyone could hear it in a room. It was so embarrassing. But now it is quiet. And I haven’t felt as if the food is stuck. Normally food would struggle to get through the system, but I now don’t have a problem with bowel movement. I can eat good sized meals – even the largest slice of pizza. It’s flowing the best it’s been. Weird as it may seem, I have to admit, I was cured by psychic surgery.'
"Cured" is how Rita felt when the article was published.
In actuality, the remission lasted for about two years. Which was significant for such a serious condition.
Medical doctors keep operating on Rita.
Only a suggestion, but maybe, if she had received another Psychic Surgery operation after the remission period of two years ended, there could have been further remission without the need for a physical hospital?
Put into remission by Psychic Surgery
June 2007 - Rita (patient), Fred (student), Allan (teacher)
Rita found it almost impossible to pass anything through her bowels and was diagnosed with Crones disease in 2005 in Hong Kong. She was put on steroids. Operations in August, September and November 2006 were long and difficult, leaving severe pain and swelling. She was put on Pentasa localised painkillers, six a day. There was much bulging after eating that was checked by a CAT scan in 2007. Food always lodged in the intestines leaving her nauseous – tablets to keep the food moving made the pains worse. Only tiny amounts of food could be eaten. Loud gurgles were constantly heard from the stomach – even water could be heard trickling through noisily, and embarrassingly. Her only hope for a quick recovery was trying psychic surgery with Allan.
Rita stayed at ‘Heaven-by-the-Sea’ Health Clinic overlooking the sea in Margate, Kent. On the Psychic Surgery Course Rita lay on the healing couch as the Psychic Surgeon student, Fred from Sidney, Australia, asked, ‘What if nothing happens?’ ‘It’s OK’, Allan replied, ‘I called surgeons in days ago’.
This account is from Rita, who knew nothing of psychic surgery until after the operation had finished – when she realised she had witnessed the psychic surgeon and his team at work first hand. The story, exactly in Rita’s words, is her account of precisely what happened.
‘A very short while after lying on the healing bed, deep luminous emerald green with speckled red flecks appeared. The colour started small, from the top right hand side above me, and then came closer, bigger, until everything around me was beautifully filled with green.
‘Coming from this green I saw the heads and shoulders of three white beings. They stood to the right of me, by my legs. One being was central, behind the other two, observing. They all had prominent halos or auras around their heads as if they were angels.
‘Two hands appeared really fast from the left of me, opposite the three people. The arms and hands (I could not see the body) were illuminated in bright silvery gold white, working incredibly quickly. The fingers were so long, it seemed they had been pulled out instead of an instrument. The long fingers played on my intestines like piano keys and pushed things back in place. They seemed to know exactly where everything should go, and what each finger stroke would do.
‘A Native American Indian appeared to the right, wearing a deep bright blue headpiece. Blue feathers around his head stood up towards the back. He had dark hair and very weathered skin. He was middle-aged but still strong, with the wisdom of someone older.
‘A transparent yet colourful rainbow suddenly appeared like a dome around me, as a protection. It prevented everything unwanted getting through, like a tent protects from rain.
‘I saw what looked like a spirit elephant’s trunk. The greyish white trunk was textured just like the skin of a real elephant. Because it was more pliable than an instrument, it could flick around inside me. A light white misty fluid was deposited in a precise and accurate manner, covering the entire area to sterilise or anaesthetise, preparing me so I could not feel what had to be done next in the operation.
‘Two hands held the wooden top of a long, flat, but very sharp silver instrument. It looked like a wide pallet knife, and was used very skilfully, like a knife scraping a bread board. The hands knew exactly how much pressure to apply to prevent cutting me. They scraped debris from old unwanted scar tissue that would have hindered the healing process.
‘Very long fingers manipulated precisely, gently pushing into certain places. The fingers knew where to push, knowing ‘this goes there’ or ‘that goes there’. Bits of misty fluid anaesthetic that the elephant’s trunk had deposited were pushed into correct positions.
‘A man suddenly appeared. He wore a wide Chinese hat that hung down at the brim, and simply wanted to see what was going on.
‘On the lower right side of my body, where one of my 8 month old scars was, I physically felt pressure digging in. It felt as if someone was kneading their thumbnail on the scar very hard to make an incision, to make the opening bigger for the intestinal tract. I physically felt a long instrument go inside me by about 6 inches. They were opening and unblocking me.
(Fred said that after they took the first instrument out there seemed to be a bit of a panic because there was a kink in the intestines. That was why they had to make another incision in the side to push the intestines back. That was the incision Rita felt.)
‘A white being with a feminine frame and posture, very slim and tiny and delicate, used a pummel in an old-fashioned marble bowl. The bowl’s colours were light green, with darker flecks. She stirred and ground something like small white sugar cubes into a powder form. A creamy solution was added to the powder and stirred into a paste. She handed the paste in the bowl to the male surgeon who spread the paste into the stomach wound they had opened, to kill harmful bacteria.
‘Two hands, one on top of the other, beamed bright gold-white light into the stomach wound. The beam was exactly as wide as the hand and sealed the process with a blast of healing energy that boosted the healing.
‘Pink haze rose like pink smoke from a blown out candle. It came from where the spirit surgeon had been healing, like steam being left behind.
‘A lady wearing a transparent white veil knelt low down to my left, taking notes of the procedure. She kept looking up at the surgeon as he dictated what had been done or needed to be done.
‘A man stood in the background beyond the spirit beings close to me. He looked more human because I could see dark coloured hair, arms and legs, whereas some others I could only see their outline. He wore a mid-blue back-to-front gown, washed his face, arms and hands, then stretched, as if limbering up to do his job.
‘Fresh pieces of cloth were dipped in and out of my stomach to mop and clean inside so they could see what they were doing through the gunk and blood.
‘Then they used a very long fine instrument with something like hooks on the end of it to move things around. I thought, ‘in the wrong hands, this could do damage’. But they made evenly weighted stroking actions several times, very gently and precisely clawing something out.
‘I noticed a different lady’s face with full lips and a delicate nose on South East Asian coloured skin. She talked to me in a very soft voice, saying ‘there, there, you’re ok, shush shush’, reassuring me all was well.
‘The bright white light outline of another person is on my left. Two other beings are on my right. The one on the left is there to teach, the two on the right are there to learn. The one on the left shows the others what had been done by pointing with his hand at the area he’d been working on.
‘The mouth of a large animal took rubbish away. It was quite scary, not at all pretty or pleasant to look at, but with a smile on its face saying, ‘It’s OK, I’m not interested in you’! This was where they put everything, the rubbishy bits of me not needed any more. It was symbolic, not literal, showing nothing is rubbish and everything can be recycled for a good cause. There was no waste, no pollution, just a creature who fed off bits of unwanted flesh. Something was pulled out from the right – it looked dark, quite nasty, like unhealthy tissue going black and bad. The creature moved further to one side, and caught the black tissue in its mouth.
‘From the left I see an incredibly old man’s face travel across to the right. He has a strong prominent hooked nose and looked wise. He checked if the surgeon’s input was adequate.
‘Starting from the base of the wound two hands crimped along the muscle and tissues that needed to go back into position. They nipped something together, like the edges of a pasty being stuck.
‘I felt movements inside my stomach - it felt nice, something worked through the intestines, functioning properly. (Fred also felt these movements under his hands.)
‘A really dark brown-black liquid, the consistency of gravy was poured in from the right from a big, worn pewter bowl. They poured in this iodine type substance to cleanse and heal.
(Both Fred and Rita now saw smiling faces.)
‘The rainbow had been a protector throughout – I often looked to check my protection was still intact.
‘I saw a long multi-coloured feather tipped in gold. The Native American doctor swaggered, and said humorously, ‘That’s another feather in my cap!’ I laughed loud, and cried, and wanted to thank him.
‘Two white ladies appeared to my right side, wearing long white gowns like nuns’ habits, with a covering over their heads except for their face, kneeling with hands in the prayer position. They were spiritual, thanked the surgeon and prayed for me to heal.
(Fred could feel a redrawing of the energy of the surgeon coming up his hands.)
‘A 3 metre wide white beam shone from me. The spirit surgeon and his entire team left their positions around me, intermingled, and departed together in the beam of light. Spare operation materials also left in the beam. The immense light faded and disappeared. Behind, a glowing purple and pink trail turned into deep purple. Eventually deep purple spread everywhere.
‘Suddenly from nowhere two hands with long tapered fingers appeared. The elegant fingers seemed tapered to do their job and very quickly unrolled gauze bandages. They then stitched up my tummy with an over-stitch, a very secure stitch that would stop the edges of my stomach from fraying, and used the gauze to mop up.
‘A smaller rainbow created itself as a complete circle above my head.
‘An enormous white bird with a yellow eagle’s beak and huge silver-grey feathered wings flew down and landed on my stomach.
(At this moment Fred took his hands off.)
‘The eagle groomed itself, and preened underneath its right wing, then underneath its other wing, before flying away to the left.
‘A hand stitched me up, the final finishing. It worked so quickly, straight and neat. The job was almost done.
‘I became aware of something to the left. A big fat Buddha smiled at me. I smiled back, asking, ‘Should I tell Fred about the stitching?’ He smiled and said, ‘It’s up to you.’ His golden hand squeezed mine as long golden pins did final stitchings.
‘After, I couldn’t believe what I had seen and still don’t. I still think I imagined it all. But how on earth can anyone imagine that sort of event? And anyway, since then my stomach has certainly felt better than before. It used to gurgle incredibly noisily. Everyone could hear it in a room. It was so embarrassing. But now it is quiet. And I haven’t felt as if the food is stuck. Normally food would struggle to get through the system, but I now don’t have a problem with bowel movement. I can eat good sized meals – even the largest slice of pizza. It’s flowing the best it’s been. Weird as it may seem, I have to admit, I was cured by psychic surgery.'
(NB As it turned out, this was not a permanent cure - the remission lasted from that day, for about 2 years.)
The next day, the surgeon appeared to the Psychic Surgeon student Fred and said, ‘Thank you for allowing me a compassionate realignment of the intestines.’
N.B. The surgeon’s symbol was a 2 ½ inch fluorescent sparkling pink heart. Inside was a 1 ½ inch royal purple circle.)
The colours of the symbol Fred saw to represent the psychic surgeon – are the same colours that were left behind as the team departed.
‘Since then (the Psychic Surgery) my stomach has certainly felt better than before. It used to gurgle incredibly noisily. Everyone could hear it in a room. It was so embarrassing. But now it is quiet. And I haven’t felt as if the food is stuck. Normally food would struggle to get through the system, but I now don’t have a problem with bowel movement. I can eat good sized meals – even the largest slice of pizza. It’s flowing the best it’s been. Weird as it may seem, I have to admit, I was cured by psychic surgery.'
"Cured" is how Rita felt when the article was published.
In actuality, the remission lasted for about two years. Which was significant for such a serious condition.
Medical doctors keep operating on Rita.
Only a suggestion, but maybe, if she had received another Psychic Surgery operation after the remission period of two years ended, there could have been further remission without the need for a physical hospital?
Put into remission by Psychic Surgery
June 2007 - Rita (patient), Fred (student), Allan (teacher)
Rita found it almost impossible to pass anything through her bowels and was diagnosed with Crones disease in 2005 in Hong Kong. She was put on steroids. Operations in August, September and November 2006 were long and difficult, leaving severe pain and swelling. She was put on Pentasa localised painkillers, six a day. There was much bulging after eating that was checked by a CAT scan in 2007. Food always lodged in the intestines leaving her nauseous – tablets to keep the food moving made the pains worse. Only tiny amounts of food could be eaten. Loud gurgles were constantly heard from the stomach – even water could be heard trickling through noisily, and embarrassingly. Her only hope for a quick recovery was trying psychic surgery with Allan.
Rita stayed at ‘Heaven-by-the-Sea’ Health Clinic overlooking the sea in Margate, Kent. On the Psychic Surgery Course Rita lay on the healing couch as the Psychic Surgeon student, Fred from Sidney, Australia, asked, ‘What if nothing happens?’ ‘It’s OK’, Allan replied, ‘I called surgeons in days ago’.
This account is from Rita, who knew nothing of psychic surgery until after the operation had finished – when she realised she had witnessed the psychic surgeon and his team at work first hand. The story, exactly in Rita’s words, is her account of precisely what happened.
‘A very short while after lying on the healing bed, deep luminous emerald green with speckled red flecks appeared. The colour started small, from the top right hand side above me, and then came closer, bigger, until everything around me was beautifully filled with green.
‘Coming from this green I saw the heads and shoulders of three white beings. They stood to the right of me, by my legs. One being was central, behind the other two, observing. They all had prominent halos or auras around their heads as if they were angels.
‘Two hands appeared really fast from the left of me, opposite the three people. The arms and hands (I could not see the body) were illuminated in bright silvery gold white, working incredibly quickly. The fingers were so long, it seemed they had been pulled out instead of an instrument. The long fingers played on my intestines like piano keys and pushed things back in place. They seemed to know exactly where everything should go, and what each finger stroke would do.
‘A Native American Indian appeared to the right, wearing a deep bright blue headpiece. Blue feathers around his head stood up towards the back. He had dark hair and very weathered skin. He was middle-aged but still strong, with the wisdom of someone older.
‘A transparent yet colourful rainbow suddenly appeared like a dome around me, as a protection. It prevented everything unwanted getting through, like a tent protects from rain.
‘I saw what looked like a spirit elephant’s trunk. The greyish white trunk was textured just like the skin of a real elephant. Because it was more pliable than an instrument, it could flick around inside me. A light white misty fluid was deposited in a precise and accurate manner, covering the entire area to sterilise or anaesthetise, preparing me so I could not feel what had to be done next in the operation.
‘Two hands held the wooden top of a long, flat, but very sharp silver instrument. It looked like a wide pallet knife, and was used very skilfully, like a knife scraping a bread board. The hands knew exactly how much pressure to apply to prevent cutting me. They scraped debris from old unwanted scar tissue that would have hindered the healing process.
‘Very long fingers manipulated precisely, gently pushing into certain places. The fingers knew where to push, knowing ‘this goes there’ or ‘that goes there’. Bits of misty fluid anaesthetic that the elephant’s trunk had deposited were pushed into correct positions.
‘A man suddenly appeared. He wore a wide Chinese hat that hung down at the brim, and simply wanted to see what was going on.
‘On the lower right side of my body, where one of my 8 month old scars was, I physically felt pressure digging in. It felt as if someone was kneading their thumbnail on the scar very hard to make an incision, to make the opening bigger for the intestinal tract. I physically felt a long instrument go inside me by about 6 inches. They were opening and unblocking me.
(Fred said that after they took the first instrument out there seemed to be a bit of a panic because there was a kink in the intestines. That was why they had to make another incision in the side to push the intestines back. That was the incision Rita felt.)
‘A white being with a feminine frame and posture, very slim and tiny and delicate, used a pummel in an old-fashioned marble bowl. The bowl’s colours were light green, with darker flecks. She stirred and ground something like small white sugar cubes into a powder form. A creamy solution was added to the powder and stirred into a paste. She handed the paste in the bowl to the male surgeon who spread the paste into the stomach wound they had opened, to kill harmful bacteria.
‘Two hands, one on top of the other, beamed bright gold-white light into the stomach wound. The beam was exactly as wide as the hand and sealed the process with a blast of healing energy that boosted the healing.
‘Pink haze rose like pink smoke from a blown out candle. It came from where the spirit surgeon had been healing, like steam being left behind.
‘A lady wearing a transparent white veil knelt low down to my left, taking notes of the procedure. She kept looking up at the surgeon as he dictated what had been done or needed to be done.
‘A man stood in the background beyond the spirit beings close to me. He looked more human because I could see dark coloured hair, arms and legs, whereas some others I could only see their outline. He wore a mid-blue back-to-front gown, washed his face, arms and hands, then stretched, as if limbering up to do his job.
‘Fresh pieces of cloth were dipped in and out of my stomach to mop and clean inside so they could see what they were doing through the gunk and blood.
‘Then they used a very long fine instrument with something like hooks on the end of it to move things around. I thought, ‘in the wrong hands, this could do damage’. But they made evenly weighted stroking actions several times, very gently and precisely clawing something out.
‘I noticed a different lady’s face with full lips and a delicate nose on South East Asian coloured skin. She talked to me in a very soft voice, saying ‘there, there, you’re ok, shush shush’, reassuring me all was well.
‘The bright white light outline of another person is on my left. Two other beings are on my right. The one on the left is there to teach, the two on the right are there to learn. The one on the left shows the others what had been done by pointing with his hand at the area he’d been working on.
‘The mouth of a large animal took rubbish away. It was quite scary, not at all pretty or pleasant to look at, but with a smile on its face saying, ‘It’s OK, I’m not interested in you’! This was where they put everything, the rubbishy bits of me not needed any more. It was symbolic, not literal, showing nothing is rubbish and everything can be recycled for a good cause. There was no waste, no pollution, just a creature who fed off bits of unwanted flesh. Something was pulled out from the right – it looked dark, quite nasty, like unhealthy tissue going black and bad. The creature moved further to one side, and caught the black tissue in its mouth.
‘From the left I see an incredibly old man’s face travel across to the right. He has a strong prominent hooked nose and looked wise. He checked if the surgeon’s input was adequate.
‘Starting from the base of the wound two hands crimped along the muscle and tissues that needed to go back into position. They nipped something together, like the edges of a pasty being stuck.
‘I felt movements inside my stomach - it felt nice, something worked through the intestines, functioning properly. (Fred also felt these movements under his hands.)
‘A really dark brown-black liquid, the consistency of gravy was poured in from the right from a big, worn pewter bowl. They poured in this iodine type substance to cleanse and heal.
(Both Fred and Rita now saw smiling faces.)
‘The rainbow had been a protector throughout – I often looked to check my protection was still intact.
‘I saw a long multi-coloured feather tipped in gold. The Native American doctor swaggered, and said humorously, ‘That’s another feather in my cap!’ I laughed loud, and cried, and wanted to thank him.
‘Two white ladies appeared to my right side, wearing long white gowns like nuns’ habits, with a covering over their heads except for their face, kneeling with hands in the prayer position. They were spiritual, thanked the surgeon and prayed for me to heal.
(Fred could feel a redrawing of the energy of the surgeon coming up his hands.)
‘A 3 metre wide white beam shone from me. The spirit surgeon and his entire team left their positions around me, intermingled, and departed together in the beam of light. Spare operation materials also left in the beam. The immense light faded and disappeared. Behind, a glowing purple and pink trail turned into deep purple. Eventually deep purple spread everywhere.
‘Suddenly from nowhere two hands with long tapered fingers appeared. The elegant fingers seemed tapered to do their job and very quickly unrolled gauze bandages. They then stitched up my tummy with an over-stitch, a very secure stitch that would stop the edges of my stomach from fraying, and used the gauze to mop up.
‘A smaller rainbow created itself as a complete circle above my head.
‘An enormous white bird with a yellow eagle’s beak and huge silver-grey feathered wings flew down and landed on my stomach.
(At this moment Fred took his hands off.)
‘The eagle groomed itself, and preened underneath its right wing, then underneath its other wing, before flying away to the left.
‘A hand stitched me up, the final finishing. It worked so quickly, straight and neat. The job was almost done.
‘I became aware of something to the left. A big fat Buddha smiled at me. I smiled back, asking, ‘Should I tell Fred about the stitching?’ He smiled and said, ‘It’s up to you.’ His golden hand squeezed mine as long golden pins did final stitchings.
‘After, I couldn’t believe what I had seen and still don’t. I still think I imagined it all. But how on earth can anyone imagine that sort of event? And anyway, since then my stomach has certainly felt better than before. It used to gurgle incredibly noisily. Everyone could hear it in a room. It was so embarrassing. But now it is quiet. And I haven’t felt as if the food is stuck. Normally food would struggle to get through the system, but I now don’t have a problem with bowel movement. I can eat good sized meals – even the largest slice of pizza. It’s flowing the best it’s been. Weird as it may seem, I have to admit, I was cured by psychic surgery.'
(NB As it turned out, this was not a permanent cure - the remission lasted from that day, for about 2 years.)
The next day, the surgeon appeared to the Psychic Surgeon student Fred and said, ‘Thank you for allowing me a compassionate realignment of the intestines.’
N.B. The surgeon’s symbol was a 2 ½ inch fluorescent sparkling pink heart. Inside was a 1 ½ inch royal purple circle.)
The colours of the symbol Fred saw to represent the psychic surgeon – are the same colours that were left behind as the team departed.