The Cosmic Corporation
A mystical tale with true mystical teachings
Explains how Michael grows up on Earth, while learning how to be an archangel.
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Unknown to Michael consciously as he slaves in a wicked uncle's house, God takes his soul on a much-needed holiday - to Heaven.
Michael has tough adventures with Light and dark forces in Earth and the Universe.
His soul path is to learn how angels can stop darkness destroy Light.
A must for everyone who shares their love and fights for goodness.
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Explains how Michael grows up on Earth, while learning how to be an archangel.
Buy now from Smashwords $6.99 / £3.98
Unknown to Michael consciously as he slaves in a wicked uncle's house, God takes his soul on a much-needed holiday - to Heaven.
Michael has tough adventures with Light and dark forces in Earth and the Universe.
His soul path is to learn how angels can stop darkness destroy Light.
A must for everyone who shares their love and fights for goodness.
Buy now from Smashwords $6.99 / £3.98.
Or if you prefer, one of the following retailers:
Barnes & Noble