The Ultimate Students & Teachers Reiki 1 Manual

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Guaranteed to improve healing and teaching
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Beginners increase knowledge
Therapists improve results
Experts gain wisdom
1. ‘Passive versus active’ healing methods
2. How to adapt energy to re-energise or de-stress patients
3. Seven levels of biofeedback
4. Ripple effect healings
5. Caveats
6. Pioneering uses for the energy of wave theory.
7. And much more - if you thought you knew it all, think again!
Buy now from Lulu or iBookstore £6.99 / $10.99
Guaranteed to improve healing and teaching
Buy now from Lulu or iBookstore £6.95 / $10.99
- 500 "non-waffle" pages - 26 chapters - 102 practical exercises
- Unique healing knowledge
- Rare photos
Beginners increase knowledge
Therapists improve results
Experts gain wisdom
1. ‘Passive versus active’ healing methods
2. How to adapt energy to re-energise or de-stress patients
3. Seven levels of biofeedback
4. Ripple effect healings
5. Caveats
6. Pioneering uses for the energy of wave theory.
7. And much more - if you thought you knew it all, think again!
Buy now from Lulu or iBookstore £6.99 / $10.99