"This week a carpet fitter destroyed my phone and internet cables (so no blog post). I wasn't happy - I used to own a carpet shop, and won a British Telecom prize (dinner at the Ritz with a "famous person") for the most innovative way to use a business phone. You'd be surprised!! :-)
One day I arrived late at the shop, and there was my young "lady" employee on the phone to an architect saying, "If you let us lay carpets for you, you can lay me." I'd wondered why we were so busy." x
The schoolteacher friend emailed this reply.
"Your carpet shop must have been busy with an offer like that. Sounds like what kids in our school were doing in sexual health lessons with large carrots and conXXXX yesterday, and guess who had to go out and buy them! We did have a laugh though for about 3 hours! Speak to you soon xx"
I emailed back, tongue in cheek - although you never know...
"I thought of carrots and con.... during my morning exercises.
Is there research on the subliminal effects of sexual carrot lessons?
Do children get counselling after?
For example, what size carrots did you buy?
If carrots were short, boys with bigger "carrots" may brag, and be macho aware of their bigness and effect, which could grow in their unconscious minds to overly sexual lines in adulthood.
If the carrots were long, boys with shorter "carrots" could feel small and insecure, and invoke unconscious feelings of inferiority which could continue along insecure sexual lines in adulthood.
And what about the girls? If they love eating carrots, guess what they might be thinking unconsciously? What impact could that have on their sexual behaviour as an adult?
And what if some girls detest carrots, or have a phobia about carrots? What unconscious effect would that have on "carrots" in the bedroom in adulthood?
Of course, all this is written with tongue or carrot in cheek. But it's often not until decades later, we discover health cause and effect outcomes. And subliminal messages could programme unconscious minds of impressionable young children potentially for decades.
See you soon, Allan xx"