Last week in Mexico I taught a very sick male chronic fatigue / ME patient how to see the negative energy within him, and how to resolve it with a series of seven non-Reiki therapy methods. After, I taught how to introduce specific non-Reiki positive healing energies instead. I then recorded the techniques for him to listen to, and act on, twice daily.
Prior to my anti-negative and pro-positive energy program, he hadn't been able to walk out of his house for about 6 months. Medical doctors had given up. After a few days of my program he was able to walk easily.
Here's an email from him. It might sound "weird", but
a) negative energies often manifest in weird symbolic (some would say psychic) ways, and
b) this blog is about weird happenings in my daily life anyway, so what the heck.
c) The important thing is the result!!
So here's the weird email...
Symbolic healing negative energies
When I do your programme there is still so much negative energy. This morning there was a big fountain of black sticky tar from my abdomen. It formed a cloud above me. Rotten, smelly water or pus is tap-running from my heels. There have bee maggots, hairy black and yellow worms, rusty iron scrap with spikes, round black balls with prickles, still black or red berries, but now they are fewer and bigger, some with very long roots and some roots are barbed. This sounds like a picture of hell and I am so glad to get rid of it.
Symbolic healing with positive energies
The mental relaxation is pure Heaven, though. I am in Rosevillage, the place I described when I was two, and my guides always come and sit with me. There is also a pure, white angel. I do not know who it is. Some days ago another being came and he could be St Michael. There is a very old Chinese man dressed in a beautiful golden robe. He is always very serious. Christ often gives me a red rose. They are just there to support and comfort me, I feel.
The healing is wonderful. At the moment I just use gold and red colours as they feel good and effective.
The whole program is simply brilliant. Thank you, Allan!
Some readers may understand the above. But other readers may think it's science fiction - until maybe one day you have a similar experience...
The important thing is the result...