“When I was very young, I was supposed to be asleep but would rather go on an adventure, looking down on my body which was asleep in the bed. I chose to fly and look around, and did this on several occasions. Had no idea how or why I did this, but my sister could as well.
At about 10 years old, I dreamed of walking down an aisle. My grandfather was lying in something. It was very dark and quiet, with people around me. No-one spoke. I walked towards where he was lying down, and I knew he would never see me grow up. Soon after, he passed away.
I heard voices, or glimpses of what would happen. I did not understand why this was happening to me. I was scared to tell anyone, because they might think I was a nutter. This continued throughout my life. I figured one day I would know why.
One day, I was visiting my grandmother when a strange thing happened. I went into a space where it was silent and darker, and remembered the age of 67, and knew something would happen to my grandmother at this age. I was only 15 or 16, and was unsure what to do, so I remained silent. About 3 days before she died aged 67, I became very sad but kept silent. This also happened with my mother – she died aged 65. I have no idea why I was given this information, and had no idea what to do with it.
People often asked me questions and I told them what I could see, hear, taste or smell. Sometimes it was like a movie camera in my head. Many people I later ran into by chance would say, “Remember when you told me...?” But this got to be bothersome, because some people asked me to do strange or stupid things, and I had to turn off my phone, for I was not getting a rest.
I was asked a few times to see people who were sick, and I tried to figure out where they were sick, or if a disease would come back. I was correct on all who asked me for help
I saw a medium once. She worked for the police, and said when I walked into the room a white healing light was around me, and would I ever consider healing as a way of using the gift I have?
This is just a small glimpse of what I have done - there is so much more. As to why I have it, honestly I do not know. I have turned down offers to make a lot of money. What was I thinking???
But within my heart I believe God gave me this gift to help others, and that is what I use it for, not for fame or fortune. I have only gone by word of mouth. So perhaps you now think I am a nutter?
I can hear spirits, like the show with ghost hunters, but I have had no formal training of any kind just what pops into my head. I have seen ghosts, spoke to them, and even smelled them.
Many other things I have done, but I have never told my family nor wish to at this point.
If one could only see the dreams I have had, I could write a few good movies. I can also read objects such as pictures, a watch, ring and so on. One time I even read someone’s shoe. That was funny now that I think of it.
Perhaps now you might not want to reply. That’s happened. Some people are scared of it but it is normal to me.”
To me, this email felt beautiful and sad - beautiful because someone has such natural talent, and sad because she could help so many more people.
As regular readers know, I used to be a co-presenter on a psychic TV show, answering questions live on air about any mystical experience a viewer had that no-one had been able to explain. So I’ll train this talented lady for free. If her mystical gifts are developed, perhaps she can help at least part of the world be a happier place. :-)
If anyone reading this has underused psychic gifts, do let me know. I'd love to help you too :-)