Of course as a spiritual being I said "No".
But £20,000 would be a good sum for cancer research... Hmm... ethics, morals, legalities, respect, honourability...
"What would you do?"
Am in Manchester to watch Manchester United V City tonight. Many people seeking tickets. Been offered lots of money for my £50 ticket.
Of course as a spiritual being I said "No". But £20,000 would be a good sum for cancer research... Hmm... ethics, morals, legalities, respect, honourability... "What would you do?" JMW Turner (1775–1851) is Britain's greatest landscape artist. Known as "the painter of light" he is regarded as starting Impressionism. Last year in my home town Margate, "Turner Gallery" was built to honour his works. First year projections were for 140,000 visitors. But 140,000 came in two months - 500,000 in a year! You'd love it too!
So there we were, looking at a Turner painting (see link above). I joked, "That chalk cliff on the left looks like this new Turner Centre. Maybe Turner had a prophetic vision." A security guard aged about 30 nearby said, "Yes, a few other have said that!" An energy force entered me from his voice. I recognise his vibration I thought. I looked deeply at his physiognomy and phrenology. Hmm. He looks and feels like a member of my family. I peered at his name badge, too small to read without getting too close for comfort. "What's your name," I asked. "Dominic Channing." "Hello," I said. "We're family!" "How?" he asked, looking puzzled. "Your father is my cousin. You're my second cousin!" I hadn't seen him since he was five. We chatted about family history. His father and our family are jokers, so I couldn't resist a parting joke. Thanks for the chat. It took ages for me to research your family. My gang should have stolen the paintings by now..." :-) He laughed. He knows our family's silly humour. Science strangles "evidence-based" health outcomes. Whatever the doctor says goes. No-one argues, not dreaming "care" received may be terrible compared to other countries. Not dreaming they are more likely to suffer or die compared to peoples of other nations.
SEE MORTALITY RATES IN YOUR COUNTRY FOR: circulatory diseases, ischemic heart disease, strokes, cancers, diabetes, life expectancy, etc. http://www.bma.org.uk/images/srm2011briefingpaperhealthoutcomes_tcm41-204676.pdf Check the link's graphs! Are you shocked to see your country's bad health results compared to other countries? SEE WHERE YOUR COUNTRY'S HEALTH SYSTEM IS RANKED (The World Health Organisation) http://www.photius.com/rankings/healthranks.html Are you shocked to see see how low down your country is ranked? For example: UK is ranked 18th in the world - yet left wing Labour-ites say UK has the "Best" free healthcare system. United States' health care is ranked a shocking 37th - yet right wing Republicans fight left-wing reforms. CHECK WHERE YOUR COUNTRY IS RANKED - IT COULD AFFECT WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE! Search the Net for the best option to CURE your health problem. I love you :-) Don't gamble your health on which country you live in. 1 France 2 Italy 3 San Marino 4 Andorra 5 Malta 6 Singapore 7 Spain 8 Oman 9 Austria 10 Japan 11 Norway 12 Portugal 13 Monaco 14 Greece 15 Iceland 16 Luxembourg 17 Netherlands 18 United Kingdom 19 Ireland 20 Switzerland 21 Belgium 22 Colombia 23 Sweden 24 Cyprus 25 Germany 26 Saudi Arabia 27 United Arab Emirates 28 Israel 29 Morocco 30 Canada 31 Finland 32 Australia 33 Chile 34 Denmark 35 Dominica 36 Costa Rica 37 United States of America 38 Slovenia 39 Cuba 40 Brunei 41 New Zealand 42 Bahrain 43 Croatia 44 Qatar 45 Kuwait 46 Barbados 47 Thailand 48 Czech Republic 49 Malaysia 50 Poland 51 Dominican Republic 52 Tunisia 53 Jamaica 54 Venezuela 55 Albania 56 Seychelles 57 Paraguay 58 South Korea 59 Senegal 60 Philippines 61 Mexico 62 Slovakia 63 Egypt 64 Kazakhstan 65 Uruguay 66 Hungary 67 Trinidad and Tobago 68 Saint Lucia 69 Belize 70 Turkey 71 Nicaragua 72 Belarus 73 Lithuania 74 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 75 Argentina 76 Sri Lanka 77 Estonia 78 Guatemala 79 Ukraine 80 Solomon Islands 81 Algeria 82 Palau 83 Jordan 84 Mauritius 85 Grenada 86 Antigua and Barbuda 87 Libya 88 Bangladesh 89 Macedonia 90 Bosnia-Herzegovina 91 Lebanon 92 Indonesia 93 Iran 94 Bahamas 95 Panama 96 Fiji 97 Benin 98 Nauru 99 Romania 100 Saint Kitts and Nevis 101 Moldova 102 Bulgaria 103 Iraq 104 Armenia 105 Latvia 106 Yugoslavia 107 Cook Islands 108 Syria 109 Azerbaijan 110 Suriname 111 Ecuador 112 India 113 Cape Verde 114 Georgia 115 El Salvador 116 Tonga 117 Uzbekistan 118 Comoros 119 Samoa 120 Yemen 121 Niue 122 Pakistan 123 Micronesia 124 Bhutan 125 Brazil 126 Bolivia 127 Vanuatu 128 Guyana 129 Peru 130 Russia 131 Honduras 132 Burkina Faso 133 Sao Tome and Principe 134 Sudan 135 Ghana 136 Tuvalu 137 Ivory Coast 138 Haiti 139 Gabon 140 Kenya 141 Marshall Islands 142 Kiribati 143 Burundi 144 China 145 Mongolia 146 Gambia 147 Maldives 148 Papua New Guinea 149 Uganda 150 Nepal 151 Kyrgystan 152 Togo 153 Turkmenistan 154 Tajikistan 155 Zimbabwe 156 Tanzania 157 Djibouti 158 Eritrea 159 Madagascar 160 Vietnam 161 Guinea 162 Mauritania 163 Mali 164 Cameroon 165 Laos 166 Congo 167 North Korea 168 Namibia 169 Botswana 170 Niger 171 Equatorial Guinea 172 Rwanda 173 Afghanistan 174 Cambodia 175 South Africa 176 Guinea-Bissau 177 Swaziland 178 Chad 179 Somalia 180 Ethiopia 181 Angola 182 Zambia 183 Lesotho 184 Mozambique 185 Malawi 186 Liberia 187 Nigeria 188 Democratic Republic of the Congo 189 Central African Republic 190 Myanmar Search the Net for the best option to CURE your health problem. I love you :-) Don't gamble your health to the lottery of which country you live in. I'm often asked to help someone's clinic, book, or retreat centre. Today's request from USA was vast - astonishingly vast - so it's printed here! Contact me if you're interested in helping improve our world. I've said "Yes."
Additionally to this letter, Raphael sent me a well-structured, well-written, long PDF on his ideas for The Angel Global School of Soulology. Please ask to see it if you're a "mover and shaker". :-) Dear Allan, I have recently awakened, and there is so much to learn and I would love to learn more from you and from other wonderful light beings. The experience was absolutely AMAZING!!! Love is God, and God is Everything in the Universe! And becoming One with God was the most amazing experience I have ever experienced, and I would love for the world to experience this feeling and LOVE. Right now the idea is for The Angel Global School of Soulology - I would love to bring this to the world with other light beings like yourself. I am searching for souls like you that believe in this dream, and that have the same vision of bringing this dream to the world. I would like to bring together a board of wonderful beings so we could work together in editing and creating the entire structure of the Angel Global School of Soulology. I want that these schools open all over the world for everyone in the world! To be able to create the seed of light in their hearts and mind through these teachings, and assist humanity ascend in this new age of enlightenment. I want to be able to have the board to be able to decide what would be the best way to bring these dreams to the world, and to present this idea to the top 100 spiritual beings on earth so that together we can open up schools all over the world, at a very affordable price for everyone. And to open up Reiki Centers all over the world to send healers to hospitals, hospices, organizations for handicapped children, and for it to be available for everyone in the world through our centers. And to be able to assist humanity understand the life and the afterlife with the foundation Angels Watching Over Us. And I would love to film documentaries about the Light, and about this vision of discovering our Higher Self, and about this new age of enlightenment and to bring all the religions of the world into harmony. And to take care of all the orphanage children of the world, and to give light to all the children on earth and to build programs for the handicapped souls on earth. There are many things I would love to bring to the world, I just need other souls that want the same dream, so that together we can bring all of these projects to life. My soul purpose is to bring the Angel Global School of Soulology to the world. It's only a matter of finding the right people to come into my life to be able to work together on this wonderful project. I would love for you to be a part of this if you like Allan, to be able to write/edit the structure of the mission statement and to work together to present this statement to the right people in the world. I would also love to learn Reiki Healing and teachings from you, and have you as my mentor/guide to assist me shine my light and help humanity. I also wanted to tell you that when I saw your picture on the internet, I felt that I already knew you :)) Please add me on Skype so that we can see how we are going to work together as One :)) Love Rafael PS. I know some readers already have vast projects. For others, if these dreams feel too big, or you don't want to join, what extra could YOU do to help our world? :-) Do know someone currently down? (You may even be down yourself...)
How many times in the past have you or someone you know fallen? How many times have you tried to get back up? IF YOU NEVER WATCH ANOTHER YOUTUBE VIDEO, AT LEAST WATCH THIS ONE! PLEASE. THEN SHARE IT. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=W5mbldTkruM&feature=share Danira has been a friend since we met on my courses 16 years ago. She's Australian, gentle, intelligent, and playful. A brilliant therapist, she offers complementary therapies in a famous London clinic. She phoned this morning. "Allan, you remember I was going to holiday in Ecuador to meet a Shaman? I ended in Italy working in a mental hospital. It was Destiny. That man would still be in hospital mentally ill if I hadn't been there."
"You had a holiday for your soul," I replied, "guided by the Gods to relieve suffering." She laughed. "Yes, but I'd love a real fun holiday." "Fun holidays for angelic souls like us are guided by Gods. Either we don't choose the destination, because our holiday choice is unconsciously guided by those above to a need. Or we consciously choose where to go, and when there, "those above" match us with a local need. Whichever, we enjoy fun holidays while in service to humanity too." "I agree," she laughed. At the Halo Retreat, where I lectured the next morning on Angels on Earth, I could choose fun at the late night song and dance party, or sit in a quiet room full of sad, grieving, and depressed people needing help. It was no choice. I sat at a table with some in obvious need. Their silent “bad” energies reverberated into me stronger than raucous party laughter from the nearby room. A friend, Jan, asked me to help a woman whose husband had died. She cried as I guided her to an empty table. Assessment showed she was still, after 2 years, in deep shock. I release her shock to move on her grief process. This gains significantly high success rates, even if hospitalised. If anyone needs it, please ask! No charge. :-) A suicidal man was next. The annual manager’s review always criticised him unfairly. He'd then want to shoot himself. But he doesn't own a gun, so was in a low suicidal risk category. I healed his work-related emotions by spiralling them from his chest. He grinned broadly, and asked the next 'patient' to come. Aged 22, her life is one of abuse. She's emotionally delicate, easily hurt. She’d sought help at a petrol station that day, but the guy just drove off. She took it personally, not thinking he may have been too busy, too deaf, or whatever. My Screen Therapy releases up to 8 emotions from past situations in 20 minutes. Hers was. Yours can be too! Download Screen Therapy free on http://www.allansweeney.com/screen-therapy.html And so on with other 'patients'. The last said, “My mum and I feel shattered. We've got ME-chronic fatigue.” Non-virally related ME is often fast and easy healing. I explained how to help her mum. Her energy returned in minutes. If you know someone with ME or chronic fatigue, contact me. I’d love to help them too :-) Free. After, I popped into the laughter-filled party room. “Dancing Queen” blared. Some of you know I love to table-dance. Maybe if I'd chosen to attend the party instead, "those above" would have matched me with other needs. But like Danira at the Italian mental hospital, I'd had fun, seeing sad faces leave smiling. Regular readers may recall my "chance" meeting with Gaynor Thompson in January in the Caribbean, while we were both absconding from humanity. She invited me to lecture at one of her psychic-spiritual events. That synchronistic meeting's results came at the 3-day ‘Halo Retreat’. Held at the Inn on the Lake, everything went ‘swimmingly’.
Attendees chose which workshop to attend. My time-slot 1015-12.30 had three other lectures available. My story is not relevant to everyone. Only about 1 in every 300-400 people are maybe in their last lifetime. Most are still in other lifetimes, learning other lessons. But the lecture's title, Angels on Earth, attracted so many, the list had to be closed. Energies of angels flew high, as I unfolded a story - how a soul's unconscious pre-birth memories of wonderfully perfect love, conflict with conscious thoughts of non-perfection and suffering on Earth. It was a story of the lives of a category of people not yet greatly understood - those with angelic souls, with potential to be angels themselves. Tears flowed from many. They experienced release, relief, that someone at last understood their conflicting lives - love known deep within their souls; personally endured suffering; dislike for hurt and harm; and a desire to 'make a loving difference'. Luckily there were still spare tissues at the end. After, some left while angelic persons awaited unadvertised objectives - for relevant persons to join free 'Soul Work Groups'. We aim to help members 'make their difference to our world' quicker and easier, with less suffering. Especially, supported by other angelic souls, to make a bigger difference than might have been possible. A book (almost 300 pages) is available to help the life and purpose of other angelic souls. I don't usually try to sell my publications on this blog. But this book can change your life for the better! http://www.allansweeney.com/angels-on-earth.html Feedback was positive. Gaynor asked me back next year. And her Halo Retreat is invited to Sedona USA, a magical mystery place. I was in Sedona in February, but didn't write on the amazing happenings - there were too many other mystical wonders to blog about! Next time... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those interested in Angel on Earth workshops/lectures... Post-workshop written comments included: “It sounded like the story of my life. It astounded me. The whole experience has been amazing. I am very humbled and astounded that someone could tell a story of how I have felt most of my life. Thank you from my heart.” Lorraine Palmer “It felt that it was my story being told.” Sheena Thompson “It was the story of my life... I knew it. Thank God I am not mad.” Angela Girling “I became tearful, it was like looking at my own life so far, and the trials and tribulations I’ve been through. The workshop made me realise why I have chosen certain pathways in my life, especially my vocational route. It also made me think deeply about other people in my life and how they are coping.” Wendy Gurr “After the workshop I felt wonderful, peaceful, happy. I knew there were Angels on Earth, but was confused as to why. I now have confirmation. My confidence has grown tenfold already.” Jennifer Williams “I feel contented, at peace, relaxed, and am taking away with me from the class peace, and a feeling of being safe, warm, and loved.” Rosina Matthews “The story made me feel hopeful and at peace with myself, with better understanding.” Lynn Newton “The angel story opened up feelings that have been closed. I feel I know where I should be heading and why I’m here.” Natasha Nottle “I felt at one with like-minded people, like coming home.” Monica Wade "I feel very happy now." Thopgood MBE “I thoroughly enjoyed your talk. It was very enlightening. When my eyes closed I saw beautiful colours of purple, green, and gold.“ Linda Gray "The story made me feel positive, making me feel I can forgive more, help more in the world." Alex Chambers "The angelic story made me feel calm, relaxed, at peace, because you know you are treading along a path." Jude Rudd "After the story, I felt relieved, not so alone or different." Sarah Burden "I could really relate to everything you said. It confirmed the feelings within my soul." Gursel Atma “It’s like the book I could have written describing my life. My belief in Angels on Earth has increased 150% because it’s everything I’ve ever experienced and needed. The story fulfilled my expectation more than I thought possible.” Hanna Brown Although yesterday's blog post was on Reiki cures, I'm pro-doctor - they help and cure many cases. But today, deaths caused by doctors are highlighted again. Here's a relevant blog, article, and publication.
http://jonrappoport.wordpress.com/2012/04/17/medical-murder-in-the-matrix/ http://www.health-care-reform.net/causedeath.htm http://www.drug-education.info/documents/iatrogenic.pdf Dr. Barbara Starfield gave an interview to journalist Jon Rappoport in December 2009 on her paper published in JAMA in July 2000 entitled Is US health really the best in the world? Also the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association article highlights failures of the U.S. medical system to provide adequate medical care for Americans. Since its publication, figures released show medical and drug deaths have increased. Every decade, over 2 million Americans are killed by drugs and the healthcare system. I've seen such 'murderous stats' before. • 106,000 deaths per year due to - negative effects of drugs • 12,000 deaths per year due to - unnecessary surgery • 7000 deaths per year due to - medication errors in hospitals • 20,000 deaths per year due to - other errors in hospitals • 80,000 deaths per year due to - infections in hospitals That's 2.25 million deaths a decade caused by orthodox drugs and the medical healthcare service. Yet complementary therapies have been repeatedly shown to have few or no side effects - and help 71% of chronic cases doctors cannot help. Let's do something about this. And remember Mahatma Gandhi's wisdom... First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Grecian Reiki sharing groups share everything - food, experiences, cases helped or cured since the last meeting, knowledge, and of course treatments.
Last night I attended my first group for many years. It brought happy memories of when I was busy in that field. My Reiki sharing groups attracted about 100 people each night. Many were cured before they left. Yesterday was no exception. One lady had a near-paralysed arm for months, with rotator cuff problems going back years. She couldn't even raise her arm near her waist. After about 30 minutes of high amplitude, low frequency Grecian Reiki, she excitedly reached high above her head. She rushed into the next room where her husband was waiting. "Look, look," she said excitedly, waving her arm above her head. "I'm cured." Another lady had a problem with her wrist, a type of carpal tunnel syndrome. The pain was a score of 8 out of 10 (10 is the worst score). After only about two minutes (yes, really, two minutes!!) her pain disappeared. She was a Reiki beginner, and couldn't believe it had gone so fast, and stood there in a dazed sort of shock. A third lady had problems just below her chest. Her smile increased as her score reduced to zero too. We finished an hour later than scheduled. As normal, most left without problems they'd arrived with. The only one who didn't was a partially deaf man. If there'd been more time, something positive might have happened. He was beginning to feel energy in relevant areas. (My FREE exploratory deafness research shows graphs of positive outcomes for associated clarity and tinnitus... http://www.allansweeney.com/academic.html ) Reiki works. You just have to see my testimonial books with unsolicited comments from patients and students. One comment says, "Allan, you should be available on prescription". Well, maybe Reiki should be... For my many overseas readers, I'll describe a little about my day in London yesterday. It might tempt you to come here. YES, YOU! :-)
Despite London housing 8 million people in the largest urban zone in Europe, walking in London is special. Everything is so close! And if you feel energy, you'll feel all energies here! My day started with a meeting at the Royal Society of Medicine. The building's energy was epitomised by numerous high-powered microscopes where you could look through, seriously, and seek answers. (At a previous meeting in the House of Lords, energy was epitomised by massive paintings of important historical figures - a focussed energy, of getting things done.) I presented my ideas to radically change the healthcare system in the UK. More on that later... Walking through Oxford and Regent Streets, energy is internal, of self-thought, what to buy in the massive designer clothes and computer centres. In Carnaby Street (famous for 1960s Beatles and fashion) lighter interactive energy comes from the hive of light-hearted fashion shops and eateries. And in Piccadilly Circus, Leicester and Trafalgar Squares, and China Town, a multi-cultural mix have a wondering, sight-seeing, awe-inspired energy. My favourite is Covent Garden's quirky shops, intriguing market stalls, and free open-air shows. They attract energies of quirky, intriguing, free people. Yesterday, the opera singer and street magician were worth visiting London for! The Poets Society Cafe was hub of provocative, thoughtful, fun energy. Comments made by six men, mainly one lovably loud man, were the energy of poetry! One just HAS to jot down impromptu humour, the energy of life. "I'm writing on 'How to sniff your own socks'." "I'm writing on puzzles, like 'How do you approach a group of four?'" "We can't all be good socially, so I prefer word of mouse." "Networking groups are for those who are socially backward." "It was laughable. I got thrown out of Comic Relief for wearing a tie." "I got thrown out of a strip club in Geneva. The girl said, do you swear like that at your work mates. I said no, but they don't use a snake like that!" "She's so sexy, her dimples show through her clothes." "My autism only comes out when I make love to my girlfriend." "What does he do except butter toast?" Great material for an energetically provocative poem! Or a stand-up comic. You know my humour, so I couldn't resist Poets Cafe banter and soon joined in. One wit handed me his card - Simon Ellis of Chattoon, the Chat and Cartoon show. Go to www.chattoonshow.com - brilliant cutting edge energy. Another blessed man said, "I'm at jeremyjacobs.com - you never know what comes from a chance meeting." True. I was only walking because my evening appointment was postponed. There are constant synchronistically chance meetings. Only the Gods know what energies will manifest. I walked to Victoria train station past queues at West End theatres, through the new Savoy Hotel for posh afternoon tea with classical piano and chocolatiers at work, past floating restaurants along the gorgeous River Thames, the Millienium wheel, spectacular architecture of Houses of Parliament / Big Ben / Westminster Cathedral, Duck Island in St James Park, home to flamingos, pelicans etc, barracks of the Horse Guards who wear ceremonial red coats and hussar busby hats, and finally Buckingham Palace, where our Queen dines foreign dignitaries. If you come to UK, and I'm free, I'll walk you around. I can't guarantee tea with the Queen. But you'll love our energy experiences for life. |
AuthorSee my weird-but-true first blog post on December 1st 2011, for an overview of my polymath, joyful and horrid fairy tale life. Taste the yummy, Godly, disgusting and loving ingredients of future posts - all truthful, with just a little artistic licence. Archives
September 2021