So there we were, looking at a Turner painting (see link above). I joked, "That chalk cliff on the left looks like this new Turner Centre. Maybe Turner had a prophetic vision."
A security guard aged about 30 nearby said, "Yes, a few other have said that!"
An energy force entered me from his voice. I recognise his vibration I thought. I looked deeply at his physiognomy and phrenology. Hmm. He looks and feels like a member of my family. I peered at his name badge, too small to read without getting too close for comfort. "What's your name," I asked.
"Dominic Channing."
"Hello," I said. "We're family!"
"How?" he asked, looking puzzled.
"Your father is my cousin. You're my second cousin!"
I hadn't seen him since he was five. We chatted about family history. His father and our family are jokers, so I couldn't resist a parting joke. Thanks for the chat. It took ages for me to research your family. My gang should have stolen the paintings by now..." :-)
He laughed. He knows our family's silly humour.