"You had a holiday for your soul," I replied, "guided by the Gods to relieve suffering."
She laughed. "Yes, but I'd love a real fun holiday."
"Fun holidays for angelic souls like us are guided by Gods. Either we don't choose the destination, because our holiday choice is unconsciously guided by those above to a need. Or we consciously choose where to go, and when there, "those above" match us with a local need. Whichever, we enjoy fun holidays while in service to humanity too."
"I agree," she laughed.
At the Halo Retreat, where I lectured the next morning on Angels on Earth, I could choose fun at the late night song and dance party, or sit in a quiet room full of sad, grieving, and depressed people needing help.
It was no choice. I sat at a table with some in obvious need. Their silent “bad” energies reverberated into me stronger than raucous party laughter from the nearby room.
A friend, Jan, asked me to help a woman whose husband had died. She cried as I guided her to an empty table. Assessment showed she was still, after 2 years, in deep shock. I release her shock to move on her grief process. This gains significantly high success rates, even if hospitalised. If anyone needs it, please ask! No charge. :-)
A suicidal man was next. The annual manager’s review always criticised him unfairly. He'd then want to shoot himself. But he doesn't own a gun, so was in a low suicidal risk category. I healed his work-related emotions by spiralling them from his chest. He grinned broadly, and asked the next 'patient' to come.
Aged 22, her life is one of abuse. She's emotionally delicate, easily hurt. She’d sought help at a petrol station that day, but the guy just drove off. She took it personally, not thinking he may have been too busy, too deaf, or whatever. My Screen Therapy releases up to 8 emotions from past situations in 20 minutes. Hers was. Yours can be too!
Download Screen Therapy free on http://www.allansweeney.com/screen-therapy.html
And so on with other 'patients'. The last said, “My mum and I feel shattered. We've got ME-chronic fatigue.” Non-virally related ME is often fast and easy healing. I explained how to help her mum. Her energy returned in minutes.
If you know someone with ME or chronic fatigue, contact me. I’d love to help them too :-) Free.
After, I popped into the laughter-filled party room. “Dancing Queen” blared. Some of you know I love to table-dance. Maybe if I'd chosen to attend the party instead, "those above" would have matched me with other needs. But like Danira at the Italian mental hospital, I'd had fun, seeing sad faces leave smiling.