This is a 5-year old girl’s story of how she came to Earth...
Last night, five-year old Teadora explained how she died in her previous life; what happened between that life and this; and how she entered her mother’s tummy. She’d come from her bath relaxed and happy, cuddled up to her mom, and talked.
I was really interested. Most parents drum past life memories out of the child. Parents tend not to believe, so children soon forget – or argue with parents who don’t understand them.
Teadora remembered everything, and her mom just accepted lovingly. I simply asked questions, and Teadora responded earnestly, seriously, seemingly honestly.
To summarize, in her previous life she’d been making pictures with her mom. There was a war, when her city was destroyed by men who didn’t care.
She then went to Sivera, a place just for single moms and children who die unexpectedly and need a place for comfort, healing, and learning.
Later she met God who said in a deep voice her new mom was calling her to enter her tummy. She knew her mom would have $10 million and would give her lots of toys. (Her current mom works for a millionaire toy company!)
And, she remembered her grandfather who died, and was then in someone else’s tummy – re-incarnated?
Here’s 5 year old Teadora’s story, which I wrote down word for word as she spoke...
“I was in another country, with a different mom. I was making pictures with that mom when the city was knocked down. He didn’t stop and he didn’t even want to see the city again.
“Then there was like a shooting star, named like a fairy, a Fayrrrrrrr.” Teadora rolled the rrrrrrr at the end of the word. We tried to repeat it, and roll the rrrrrrr too. Teadora watched our tongues, before continuing. “A Fayrrrrrrr is a thing that shoots in the sky.”
We tried to say Fayrrrrrrr, but obviously didn’t get it right. “No,” she said, firmly and seriously. “Not Fayre, Fayrrrrrrr. Put your tongue right here.” She touched one finger high on the roof of her mouth, and watched as we tried to put our tongues there too, before she continued. “A Fayrrrrrrr is a kind of thing I knew but don’t know anymore.” I looked at her. “You’re writing my story. Write that down.” I did.
“Then I was in Sivera. There was no-one there but single children and moms. No brothers, no sisters, no aunts, no uncles, no granddads, no grandmas, nobody except single children and moms. I was there with a different mom. There were lots of stores there, but not like our stores. They had rainbow ice-cream, and I tasted it. It tasted like chocolate.
“In Sivera it never became night-time, because God is night-time. It just looked like night-time with lots of stars.
“Then I was with God and waiting for mom to wish me in her tummy. I saw God and he was a rainbow colour, and he got to see me. I made a huge rainbow of all the pictures I’d made with the mom I had before. I saw you, a lot skinnier than you are now. You had $10 million in a big bag, so you could buy me lots of toys. I was happy.
"Then I was on a magic ice-cream rainbow hill. God told me (here, Teadora spoke in a strangely deep voice.) ‘Keep still. Stay here.’ Then God said, ’Your mom is calling you to come in her tummy.’ This is the sound mom made when she was calling me.” (Teadora made high-pitched, lilting sounds, in waves.)
“I did stuff when I was born... I don’t know... I ate (pretend) rainbow ice-cream and played with my friends.
“I talk to Grandpa now when he’s not very tired. Grandpa looks at me everywhere when he’s in God. He comes back in my dreams, not in my real dreams.
"When I was with God, someone wished Grandpa, and he was then in someone’s tummy.”
Wow. If we all had such memories, and mothers encouraged their children to remember more, what a different world we would live in. Maybe a better world if we all remembered being with God...