Negative feelings flooded from the phone just before it rang. Before I could say "Hello," a lady spoke anxiously. "It's about my 3-year old child. He says a horrid man comes into his room at night - with horns."
"OK," I said, to show I was listening.
"My son says the man has horns," she repeated, even more anxiously. Her breathing was short and erratic. "And he comes from below."
"OK," I said again.
"The man's name is Blastred. He has big feet, and yellow ears and eyes. He's quite big, but not very tall. Looks like a lizard."
Hmm... there are classic spirits, good and bad, that I've encountered many times. Not heard of a horned lizard with big feet before... "Not nice, huh?" I said.
"No. My son's afraid to go to bed."
"What have you done about it?"
"I'm a medium. I'm using energy to get rid of any spirits near him, day and night. It hasn't helped."
"I'm surprised it didn't make matters worse," I said gently. "If you get rid of all spirits near him day and night, you could be getting rid of his guides, or dead grandmother, or guardian angel!"
"Oh dear," she replied. "I hadn't thought of that. I’ll contact them all and say sorry, and bring the good ones back."
"They'll come back automatically once you stop getting rid of them!"
We discussed practical and mystical causes and resolutions for Blastred's frightening appearances - including conflict resolution in symbolism, unconscious re-patterning, soul-sleep-learning, day-trauma nightmare, and so on.
Eventually, the lady's breathing eased. "That should do it," she said.
"Your son may also need a sleep prayer or affirmation to calm his fear," I said.
"Such as...?"
"Such as I learn my lessons more beautifully...
"My soul at night only meets lovely friends...
"I am happy when I sleep...
She sounds calmer, more relaxed....
"Sounds good."
"You and he can discuss the most powerful for him, the one that gives most peace and comfort. Say it every night with him, just before sleep. It should re-programme his fear into a confident peace."
"I'll let you know what happens."
"Look forward to it..."
I'll let you know too...