Just received this from Linkedin...
Allan, congratulations!
You have one of the top 10% most viewed LinkedIn profiles for 2012
LinkedIn now has 200 million members.
Thanks for playing a unique part in our community!
Wow, how nice! BIG thank yous and hugs to everyone who viewed :-)
To see what others viewed, check out the new pages and books on this site, and the "Bio" page for my other websites.
For me it's simply a matter of offering therapies, Reiki, psychic intuition, or spiritual love, individually or in groups, locally or internationally. And that means helping everyone, from sick and destitute people, to angels on earth needing to achieve their soul's purpose.
Currently under discussion are trips to teach in Philippines, USA, and Barbados, to help many before 2014.
And much more. Watch this space!
Stay happy
PS Blogs to come soon on "Remarkable Reiki Cures", and "Astonishing Angel Sightings" :-)