For example, some people are just so genetically nice, with genes that produce such love, they seem like an angel. But they're not angels, they're just genetically nice loving people.
And some people do good works in the world due to upbringing or human nature, so seem like an angel. But they're not angels - they're just doing good works as a kind human being.
Such people were present at the lecture last night. They heard the same story as others who are angels, but could not make sense of the story. The innate inner energy of their lives is different to that of angels.
But for those who are Angels on Earth, the lecture was one of beauty and happiness, tears, anger and sadness, or uncontrollable laughter of bliss. Emotions rose with remembrance of the space of ideal love, beauty, perfection and oneness they came from, but can't find on Earth.
Those people knew each other's energies. They've had similar life experiences, without understanding their lives, and the story I told of their lives made sense of their lives.
Here's a few writings after the lecture...
"I feel at peace. Validated on my own soul's journey, and the work I will be doing here to help in the evolution of the human race. I never felt comfortable in my body... but I am learning to more and more. Spiritual growth / learning in this life has always had the sense of remembering what I already know... and have always known... intrinsic truths at the soul level of who I really am. Thank you for being a guide and teacher to me on this journey - I can't wait to see where it leads next! :-)"
"I felt understood. So many of the steps of life made sense and my journey was clarified. The story mapped out a life path that resonated deeply with me. From before birth to my current stage, it spoke to not just the similarities in my experiences, but to the 'whys' of everything I'd been through. I'm eager to read the book (Angels on Earth) and discover more about these truths."
"The story was relevant to me for several reasons. I always felt 'different' from others around me and never really understood why. I knew things from an early age - about feeling. I would always ask people if they could feel 'the love' in everything that I felt. But most didn't or really just didn't understand what I was talking about. I always put all my love into everything, and it was just that way. The guided meditation helped me to understand why I felt this way - and where it came from. I understand more about my purpose for life on Earth. Although some aspects of understanding brought our feelings of anger, it all made sense and gave me a peaceful feeling that everything was OK. Now I can move forward at ease. This was a beautiful and very unexpected experience. I look forward to learning more, and helping others."
And so on. After, those who felt it right stayed behind and discussed starting the first group in Los Angeles only for real Angels on Earth.
The group will a) support members on the 'lower levels' of the angelic pathway, to relieve their suffering, and enhance their lives. And b) help angels on higher platforms achieve their soul job to help humanity quicker, easier, and above all, bigger than they might have done otherwise.
If all goes well, Los Angeles will soon become an even more beautiful place.