'Healing's a huge subject,' I replied. 'What aspect of healing would you like demonstrated?' I doubt she knows.
'What options are there?'
Thought so. As a beginner, she probably won't understand my answer. 'Most healing methods are "Holistic", and aim to balance and harmonise the energy field, hoping there's a knock-on effect to alleviate a condition. Some methods are "Reductionist", and aim to reduce symptoms of a condition, or the condition itself, fast. Some methods are only for a specific condition. Do you want to learn how to help a specific illness?'
'So you just want to learn how to use energies?' I asked. Dawn nodded. 'OK, so I can teach you basics of how to channel healing energy. However, you could choose from other systems too. One aims to send energy healing across a distance in space or time - for example back or forward in time. Another aims to send the healing through space say from one country to another, or across a street.'
As Dawn stopped at a red traffic light, a man began to limp across the road. He leaned to the left, to take weight off the right.
It feels like sciatic nerve damage. The Gods provide... Dawn asked for a demonstration... 'Watch this,' I said. 'Nothing always works, but I'll try...'
The man had limped halfway across the road. I held out one hand, and beamed high amplitude, low frequency energy to his lower back. Almost at once he reached behind to rub that exact spot. 'Look,' I said to Dawn. 'He can feel it. I'll continue until he reaches the pavement.' Suddenly he straightened, and walked on, with his body swaying from left to right, almost normally.
I just repeated my previous thought aloud. 'Well, you asked for a demonstration... What else would you like to learn?'