"... and my current job is to count all the bubbles in the oceans of the world."
Wow. I love creative jobs. Even though many seem frivolous or wasteful, chosen just for fun.
The best job I ever heard of was the sister of a friend in Norway, Frank. We co-authored a book, Usui's teacher.
(If you like Reiki, it's a powerful 1904 book, written by the tutor of Dr Usui. It teaches how to use different energies for specific illnesses, how to develop psychic ability, and how to reach enlightenment. Click here for new website.)
Anyway, when I met Frank's sister, she was just catching a plane to Australia to start her PhD.
"What's your PhD on," I asked.
She grinned. "How people greet each other when they meet. I'll visit lots of bars, shops and clubs, and see how people say "Hello." I'll start saying hello to people in Australia, and slowly travel around the world, saying hello in as many countries as possible!"
"That's not a PhD," I said. "That's a fun holiday."
"Ah yes," she laughed. " But it's a branch of science - human sociology. I'm just extending the boundaries of sociology."
It was the same with the scientist on the radio. Others on the panel laughed incredulously that she spent her time travelling the world's oceans to count bubbles.
"I'm just extending the boundaries of my science," she laughed. "There are two types of job. One is where you're stuck in a rut, with no progression. It's a dead end. It leads nowhere except, as there's little else to explore, it'll lead to you having a closed mind.
"The other type of job is where you explore, be creative, try to understand more about the world, push boundaries. I prefer to explore, to understand more than is already known."
Her comments set me thinking about this blog, and understand a little more why I often call it a "weird" blog..
Healing, psychic intuition, and angelic or spiritual enlightenment overlap. Learning one subject often automatically leads to exploring one or both of the others.
For healers, psychic, and spiritual seekers, it's simply either
1. exploring one of those three fields in deeper and deeper ways or
2. exploring all three of the fields in wider and wider ways.
Eventually, we're no different to the extremes of creative, boundary breaking science. Like shaking hands and counting bubbles, we push boundaries to understand more about helping ourselves or others on Earth.
The only difference between boundary pushing scientists, and healers, psychics and angelic or spiritual beings is - the latter three push boundaries in the University of Life.