I've dealt with many cases just this week. I'm busy today, so here's the first - others follow soon.
Case 1 - chronic fatigue
Doctors usually can't - or often won't - help chronic fatigue. In Spain, a lovely lady in her 30s was diagnosed 11 years ago with chronic fatigue, and is now taking pain killers, sleeping pills, and anti-depressants, and been (sadly) referred to a psychiatrist.
"You might not have chronic fatigue," I said after hearing her list of symptoms. I showed her the Canadian 2003 diagnostic and treatment protocols. http://www.cfids-cab.org/MESA/ccpccd.pdf
"About 30 different illnesses give similar symptoms. See...? Have you been tested for any?" I knew the answer would be "No". European doctors often won't test properly.
It's sad. Her "chronic fatigue" could be easy to resolve. For example, too much or too little lead or B12, or too much or too little adrenal or thyroid function... Why on Earth don't doctors test properly?
The next day she saw her doctor. "I had to argue with him," she said when she returned. "He said he wouldn't test for something on the internet!"
"Ridiculous," I said. "The protocols are accepted by other countries, and the WHO."
"He wasn't interested. I had to argue. He only agreed to test for 18 illnesses when I said I've not got enough energy to see the psychiatrist!" Classic. "But he refused to test for the rest. If these 18 tests come back negative I'll argue for the other tests."
"It's a start," I said. "But even if it turns out to be chronic fatigue syndrome, there are many different types. One type is normally easily resolved with a special healing energy method. Come, I'll teach your brother how to help you. If you have this type of CFS, he might cure you when I'm back in the UK."
It's always an asset to empower someone to heal - saves me a job!
I remember my students' success stories. One, Carol, cured a lady with CFS with my method. She'd been in a wheelchair for 3 years, and was cured in 3 days. Amazed she could walk, she offered money. Carol declined. The woman said if Carol won't take money, her family of builders will build Carol a brand new therapy centre!!
In Spain, the girl's brother had never done healing before, but was a natural. He soon unlocked his sister's feet chakras, to rise low frequency energy from the ground into her feet. Then, without touching, he slowly worked up her legs, feeling for energy blocks that prevent needed low frequency waves energising hos sister's body.
As normal with such a case, both "therapist" and "patient" felt energy rise up the legs, but felt energy stop rising at "blocked" areas. I taught the brother a different therapy to unlock the blocks, until both persons could feel energy flowing all the way up from feet to hips.
"That's better," she said after. "About 50% better. Phew! I've got so much more energy!"
"If your brother gives this therapy daily for two weeks," I said, "if this is your type of CFS, you might be cured within days."
That's something most doctor can't - or wouldn't - do.
Coming soon - back pain, ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, bloating etc