Perhaps I should at least have conceded that free holidays for doctors, paid for by the drug company, was a bribery and corruption.
Now, at last, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been found guilty of criminal fraud and bribing doctors. They must pay $3bn (£1.9bn) for their criminal activities.
1. GSK promoted two anti-depressants, Paxil and Wellbutrin, for unapproved uses with children. THis could harm or kill your child...
2. GSK didn't report lack of safety data on a diabetic drug, Avandia. This could harm or kill patients.
3. GSK held back data and made unsupported safety claims to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This could harm or kill patients too.
4. GSK bribed doctors to prescribe unapproved, illegal drugs.
The $3bn settlement includes criminal fines and civil settlements with both federal and state governments.
At a news conference in Washington DC, Deputy US Attorney General James said the settlement was "unprecedented in both size and scope".
GSK has agreed that government officials can monitor their activities for five years.
Andrew Witty, the firm's chief executive, said, "We have learnt from the mistakes that were made. "When necessary, we have removed employees who have engaged in misconduct."
It's rumoured that other drugs companies also promote drugs for unapproved uses - and bribe doctors to prescribe the unapproved drugs in their surgeries.
Isn't it about time we looked more seriously at complementary and alternative therapies? Surely they're safer than drugs, and involve less fraud.