Last week, I'd taught a group of students how to heal from a distance. 'What does healing through distance mean?' I'd asked rhetorically. 'It's healing through either space or time.'
As usual students looked blank, so I elaborated. 'Distant healing through space means sending healing energies to a person or situation you can't see or hear, for example in a different town or country. Distant healing through time means sending healing backwards or forwards in time.' (There was much more to these teachings. But this post just explains Ted's "cat's cream" experience.)
Distant healing is a subject some people find weird. If you can't see it, how can you heal it? After all, doctors need your body in front of them, and medication is taken physically. So I developed exercises students can practice after the class on each other, to assess the reality of the teachings.
First, pairs of students agree roles of healer and patient for one week. At an agreed time, say 10pm, the patient lays down, relaxes, and senses whether distant healing is sent on each of 7 nightly session.
Without the patient knowing which, the healer chooses each night to send distant healing either
1. through space to the patient in their home at the time agreed, or
2. through time such as earlier that day, projected to 10pm or
3. through time the day after, projected back to 10pm.
4. A fourth option is to take a night off and send nothing.
'We didn't speak to each other until after the week's distant healing,' Ted grinned. 'It was amazing the first night. I felt all this heat coming into me, like a warm glow of positive energy. And when we spoke, she'd sent energy that night! Then the next night, I felt tingling warmth. I knew she'd sent energy that night, and she had! The next night, I felt nothing. I was unsure, but guess what - she sent nothing. The next night was amazing. I felt so much positive power, and she'd sent energy to me at 10pm, from 10am the morning before. Incredible. I got it right every night! I feel more healed too! Distant healing works!'
Of course it works. People just need a personal experience to prove it to themselves. ''The thing is,' I said, 'you bet on horses. What are the odds of you guessing right 7 days in a row with 4 choices each day?'
'Very high,' Ted grinned. 'From all my expereinces so far, that was the top of the cream.'