‘Ow!!’ she exclaimed. You just hurt me!’
‘No, I didn’t,’ I replied. ‘I didn’t touch you.’
‘Yes you did. It hurt.’
Shambala’s mother shot around the door with an expression of an animal guarding her young. The expression became more severe when Shambala saw her, and started to cry. ‘He really hurt me mummy,’ she sobbed.
I’ve never deliberately hurt anyone. The Contract for my soul won’t let me consciously harm. Instant karma, instant punishment from those above occurs within 24 hours... I defended my innocence. ‘I didn’t even touch her,’ I proclaimed.
‘You must have done. She wouldn’t say you did for nothing. And cry.’
‘But I didn’t...’
The mother interrupted me. ‘Say sorry to her.’
I’d said sorry to this child many times. I don’t know why, but it feels like a stand is needed. ‘Sorry,’ I said. ‘On this occasion, I won’t apologise. I didn’t do anything. I didn’t even touch her.’
‘You must have pinched her finger on the lid. Apologise.’
‘Her hand was on the left of the box, and I just touched the lid on the right, gently. She must be pretending.’
The negative conversation continued. The mother had said she has problems discerning. I did not want her to think I’d hurt her child.
Suddenly, enlightenment entered the mother’s eyes. ‘That conversation we had yesterday, about humans’ electro-magnetic energies? You said if a person’s energy body is more magnetic, they may magnetically attract and feel others’ emotions. And if their energy body is more electric, they may feel electricity? If you didn’t touch her, maybe she got an electric shock from you?’
Oops, that may be it! For the past days when touching things, I’d received electric shocks. Maybe as I’d touched the box, my electric energy had earthed along the lid and through her hand? Shambala sees spirits clairvoyantly, so may also feel energies clairsentiently. ‘That’s probably it,’ I agreed. ‘Has she sometimes said you’ve hurt her too?’
Phew. It’s not just me! ‘Electric shocks are wonderful for me,’ I said, ‘and for her. Wonderful for me because I was ill recently, and my energy body is recharging, to heal the final bits; and wonderful for her because she can learn about electro-magnetism. If someone shocks her again, she can understand.’
The mother nodded in agreement. There must be other adults who unintentionally make children cry with electric shocks. Social Services wouldn’t accept it was interaction of energy bodies. This lesson could help Shambala’s life... Discernment... The mother says she can’t discern adequately. The daughter needs discernment here...
‘Shambala needs to discern between someone who may harm her, and energy field interactions,’ I said. I'll ask her to apologise to her daughter that she felt my unintended natural electric energy. 'Here’s how to help her in future...’
The best sychronicities often come in threes, in fast succession. Two days ago Swami Gudra in Las Vegas offered to start Angel Lectures, Courses, and Groups across USA. Yesterday, a 'beginner' angel Melissa offered help in Houston. And today Dianna, an experienced angel in Los Angeles, offered help. Wonderful timing of the Gods, bringing us together exactly when we (or they!) need.