Is God in a dustbin? Go check it out – I did 30 years ago!
Is God in a prison? Go check it out – I did 20 years ago!
Is God in a criminal? Go check it out – I met God in a criminal yesterday (see blog)..
After yesterday's meeting, I went to 'The Rose' cafe. Inside, a waitress was harassed over her religion by two Turkish waiters. I didn't get involved – I needed to write the blog.
A hippy-style man sat nearby. His long curly blond hair and short beard was just too straggly for a Jesus look-a-like. He spoke loudly to his female partner, with authority.
“If you find death within life, you die and find heaven on Earth.”
Great comment. I typed it.
“Religion is non-sophisticated,” he continued. “Don't expect much.”
Great comment again. This guy's good. I typed it.
He continued spouting punchlines. “Judaism has got to be the angriest religion in the world. I don't blame them.”
“Hinduism offers the best life because Shiva is the best representation of God I've ever seen.”
“Anyone who doesn't seek religion becomes stagnant and stinks.”
Again, I didn't get involved. I just typed. In this man's own way, he was already searching for God everywhere.'
But then he said, “Every time I see a representation of Jesus I think, what a sad git, thinking he was divine.”
“Excuse me,” I smiled. “Your comments are blunt. Do you believe you have a soul?”
“I'm sarcastic about religion.”
Just like John the ex-prisoner was yesterday...John found his soul path. I wonder how this man will find his...
“I believe there's one soul and we're just tiny fragments of it. There's nothing else to believe.”
“Any belief,” I replied, “is just human philosophy. Perhaps there are other philosophies to believe.”
He smiled broadly, interested. “Such as?”
“Such as all religions are correct because they're all paths to reach the one soul.”
He laughed. “Agreed. But religions are dominated by men. The question I have for religion is, what's their attitude to women. The answer tells me how non-loving they are.”
This man cannot see Love in religion. But he's seeking. “The Brahma Kumaris are run by women,” I suggested. “They run free courses about your soul and the soul of God. And they do great free veggie food. So,” I ended, “how can I help you?”
“You already have,” he said. "A spiritual organisation run by women? I'll check it out."
I prayed this Jesus look-a-like eventually finds his soul purpose. God is everywhere, so if he's open to mystical signs, it shouldn't be too difficult.