Weird Austin attracts beginner seekers who don't understand love yet, spiritual hangers-on who don't fit anywhere else. Many have lives that are so unloved, alone, or tough, they join spiritual groups as a comfort, an escape from their sad reality.
It's the same weirdness in Glastonbury, England, a Mecca for beginner mystic teachers and their students. Sadly, it also attracts those seeking to destroy goodness or wishing metaphysical harm. It's a pseudo-love reality.
Yet within the pseudo-love of Austin and Glastonbury is a classic minority of real love, the love of beautiful Angels and Highest Gods. When one meets such love, it's a blessing above all blessings.
Yesterday I received one of those blessings. Two good friends, George and Nancy, took me to an amazingly spiritual restaurant, Casa de Luz. This House of Light can't be seen from the road. It's behind seemingly empty buildings, 50 meters down a tree-lined alley. You wonder if anything's there, until you pass busy yoga and spiritual teaching rooms, and enter the buzzing restaurant.
Like Austin, this restaurant is weird. It's a secret heaven, with no menu! You pay $12 on entry, serve yourself to speciality home-made teas, and the single choice of salad and soup, then wait for main course vegan dishes of the day to arrive at the table. You lovingly accept what they give. Love is part of the meal, tasted in food and atmosphere.
George and Nancy are love too. George's mother owns a metaphysical book store, and he inherited her psychic gifts, using intuition from the Angels for business dealings and to lovingly help our world. Nancy's manner is the same as her soul - total love. She expresses 100% love in her angelic face and eyes.
After, we relaxed at their huge, tidy, and stunning home. It was another House of Light, the opposite of another house I'd been taken to in Austin that should be called the House of Darkness - even the owner said the house was cursed.
I helped George understand repetitive dreams seen since childhood, and taught him and Nancy how to place a love-wave into all parts of their bodies and auras.
I stood on the balcony overlooking the night lights of Austin, thinking that every light represents people and their Lights or pseudo-lights of love. Most will be humans, learning non-spiritual lessons, still churning through their lifetimes. A few will be angels, in human form with human faults, but with a mind and intention of bringing perfect Godly love to the world. Yet even angels who know Godly love need human love too.
'You must meet my girlfriend,' Nancy said. 'She's full of love and you'll fall in love.'
'That would be wonderful,' I said. 'I need human love too.'