Here's one good news email. Annie lives in South West France. We met when I visited a mutual friend - and found I had taught her Reiki Master!
Hi Alan, Pam mentioned you were in France and I thought you might like to break your return journey here.
I woke up 3 months ago with severe back pain and unable to walk, move etc etc. After leaving it for 2 or 3 days it was no better. So I had several days on Morphine injections followed by weeks on a mixture of morphine, codeine and paracetamol.........yeuk!
During all this my sister called to tell me she doesnt have diverticulitis but terminal cancer, with just weeks left.
My sister was told there was nothing to do as it was in her bones,her spleen and her liver.
Then Jean- Pierre was diagnosed, the same week, with cancer of the larynx. The surgeon wanted to take out his vocal chords, larynx completely,
I meanwhile was lying around brooding unable to walk a hundred yards and incapable of driving.
So I sent round a Reiki request for us all!
And got myself vertical and off the pills.
Then I started Reikiing JP and got everyone to send Reiki to us all.
My sister has since seen another doctor who now tells her it isn't in her liver and the 5-6 week diagnosis is crap.
JP has seen the surgeon again and his vocal chord has started to move and he is to have radio not surgery!
So, if you are ill, or know someone who is ill, never give up.
As in the cases above, doctors just offer drugs or surgery. Reiki, and many other complementary and alternative therapies, offer hope of cures that doctors couldn't possibly achieve.