Here's some more friends have sent me - my 10 are below.
My dream is to open a centre for people to recover from dis-ease.
Janice, Barbados
My goal in the last 10 years was to guide my children, with God given skills n intelligence, to excellent universities. My influence has ended. This will be an interesting year. Do I stay in Florida, work in other locations? My house, rent or sell? My car, etc. Life is just starting. As The Apostle said, save the best wine for the end of the feast.
Beth, Florida
This year I want to heal Chinese ladies in West London who feel left out of society.
Lulu, UK
In 2013, I will visit clinics like Dr Maru's in Delhi, to learn how he cures with Curcucure extract from turmeric and how he successfully uses it for miraculous cure for many conditions. I want to see how I can help people in the future.
Devi, Singapore
And just to be open, here's my 10 New Year's Resolutions (in no particular order)
I intend to:
1. Regain full health soonest before Spring
2. Visit good UK and international friends
3. Finish and publish the 600-page "Reiki 2 Manual"
4. Buy a home abroad, near friends in a warm country, to write (and escape cold UK winters).
5. Finish my cancer website at
6. Write a book - a new programmed approach for cancer therapies
7. Seek a traditional publishing house for some books on
8. Teach Reiki, spiritual, and psychic classes internationally, though minimally to allow time for other projects
9. Offer therapy and/or support to everyone I meet who seems in need.
10. Support my family where possible, through difficult times
Let's see hope and pray my and others' resolutions manifest by this time next year...
They're just tiny steps to try to help our inner and outer worlds improve. :-)