But I found Spirituality is in my ancestral blood.
The lizard represents Sweeneys building a monastery for Carmelites, whose emblem was a white chameleon-lizard. Boar meat was considered food of the Celtic Gods.
Boar symbols were worn in battle as charms against injury.
And strangely, before I knew these meanings...
boar were seen by psychics around me, fighting off dark spirits to prevent my injury.Maybe that's one reason my guides tell me I go where angels fear to tread? I feel safe.
Royal blood may be in my body too. 'Sweeney The Renowned', was monarch of Ireland A.D.616-28. Doe Castle is a Sweeney Clan home.
So let's imagine we're in Doe Castle, holding crests and shields, and raising glasses to my Irish Day toast.
"When you die,
may all the hairs on your head
be like candles lighting your way to heaven.
And I hope you don't go bald."
Happy Irish Day!