Brahma Kumaris teach souls - homeless or poor souls, academic or rich souls - in 8,500 centres in 110 countries. BKs spiritual courses are free, like their fabulous vegetarian food. Accommodation is free too, in town-houses, mansions, and ashrams. Meditation-based spiritual teachings are accepted by doctors and scientists.
If there’s a Centre near you, I thoroughly recommend them. They believe in Angels on Earth too. Check for a location near you.
Also recommended are BKs special spiritual books, posters, and CDs. The tape “Angels” is soooo inspiring...
I used one of their products last night in an Indian restaurant, SM, in Lewes. Crystal chandeliers shone light down, as we spread our Light out. After the main " aphrodisiac Kama Sutra" dish, Amanda’s four happy, intelligent, well-balanced friends sang her Happy Birthday, as the waiter brought complimentary chocolate, meringue, and ice-cream 'birthday cake'.
Later, I showed the BKs ‘Heart and Soul Virtue Cards’. “This is just for fun,” I said, adding mystically, “but you never know... There are two packs of cards, one with heart-messages on solving soul problems, the other pack with the virtue you need to succeed.”
They all understood, so I continued. “First, think of a problem where you need an answer. Second, meditate on this first deck of Heart cards, as you think of your problem. Third, carefully choose one Heart card with a heart message relevant to solving your problem.” They all took one card each.
“Wow, my heart message is totally relevant,” Zoe exclaimed. “The more you understand the situation, the less you’ll waste your energy. I couldn’t understand a situation at work, so I lost energy and became ill.”
“Now," I said, "choose a card from the ‘Virtue’ deck, a quality you need to achieve the heart message.”
“It says, ‘Tolerance’. I can see that. It’s exactly what I need to do at work! Amazing!”
Everyone’s cards seemed highly relevant, except one. “I didn’t really have a problem,” Lyn said. “I just got, ‘You are accepted wherever you go’, and the ‘Virtue’ quality is ‘Serenity’.
“Exactly,” we said. “You didn’t have a problem, and the cards agree!”
“Wouldn’t every card be relevant to everyone?” Amanda asked.
“Maybe,” I said. “Maybe not...” Just then, a stag party nearby asked for a photo with the five girls. After, I said to the groom, “Think of a problem and choose a card with a heart message to solve it.”
He was late 40s, big enough to be doorman of two clubs at once. “This is my first marriage,” he said. “I’m a bit nervous. I’ll choose a card for that... Oh... It says... ‘Talk to God ten minutes twice a day and feel safe.’ That’s amazing. I was in the army and said prayers every day to stay safe.”
We would never have guessed. He looked more like the incredible hulk than someone who prayed. He pulled out a ‘Virtue’ card. “It says, ‘Silence,’" he said. “Incredible. I prayed in silence in the army. I’ll now pray to God in silence for my marriage.”
I don’t know what the other diners and waiters thought. But hopefully, the ‘Heart and Soul Virtue Cards’ will help him relax into happy marriage. If not, the Kama Sutra Aphrodisiac Chicken should!