I should have known before we set off. ‘Well, the captain was wrong, wasn’t he!’ the lady said.
‘Why?’ I asked.
‘He said it would rain this afternoon, and the sun’s blazing.’
‘But it’s only 5 past 12,’ I said innocently.
I’ve met negative people. And I’ve met pessimistic people. But I’ve never met such combined pessimistic negativity. ‘This taxi drivers will get us lost.’ ‘He’ll overcharge us.’ ‘I didn’t want to go this way.’ ‘It’s too hot, open the window.’ ‘It’s too draughty, close the window.’ In between, she begged to stop for coffee. And when we did, said, ‘Worst coffee ever. Terrible crepes.’
‘It’s advertised as the best French patisserie in the Caribbean,’ I offered kindly. The taxi driver looked grateful.
She looked happy. ‘Everyone has a bad day. Today’s their worst.’
I offered other kind words too, but she’d give a negative or pessimistic reply, in broader and broader smiles. The worse she said, the happier she looked. I gave up.
She’s found negative pessimism is her version of bliss. Why should she change? Unless it’s to make others around her even happier than she is.