Today I met Marco, a gorgeous young man in his late 20s. A few years ago, I taught Reiki to him and his friends Daniel and Salvatore. Out of my thousands of students they were a memorable highlight. They had rare beauty, honour, intellect, and love for such young men.
"I'd like to teach Reiki," Marco said, in his usual humble manner.
"Because I'm taking a year out from work as a schoolteacher to travel around South America. I'd love to teach Reiki in Ashrams and help people I meet."
"Excellent reason to learn. Third World Countries need much help."
We discussed the benefits of Reiki, from relieving pain and emotions, to curing, to helping someone shift along a positive life path.
"You'll need to help your students after you leave. To provide adequate knowledge, ability and support, by phone or email."
"I hadn't thought of support after I leave. I may not have time to fit that in my life."
Marco can do so much good for the people's in South America. Oh well, here goes, let's hope I have time... "Perhaps I can help. I'm your lineage Reiki Master. So, 1., you could give your students my details... 2., you could contact me if you can't cope or help enough... 3., you could ensure all students increase their knowledge and use my 500 page Reiki 1 Manual, to become more professional. The online download Manual can help them when you've left."
"Hard copies are better for making notes in."
"I could post hard copies if needed. And finally, 4., I can offer you my Reiki 1 Course Syllabus. It's a 70-page document on what to teach on Reiki Level 1, including topic teaching styles needed, references to the Reiki 1 Manual, and timings for each teaching section. It's simple to follow. Everything's organised for you."
"Sounds good. One lady at work thinks that after my year out I won't return to school. She said I'll find something more fulfilling along the way. When can I learn how to be a Reiki Master?"