'Reorganising furniture and planning new decor,' I replied.
'Nothing much then. Fancy coming to a party bash?'
Regular readers may remember co-incidental meetings with Greta in a writer's group, gym, and cruise ship. She seems intelligent, happy, and fun. 'Yes,' I said.
'Great, I'll meet you outside my friend's house at 8.20pm.'
Shave, shower, shirt etc later, we entered her friend's party. I'd spent years dedicating my life to teaching, healing and relieving suffering. I'd turned down countless invites. Parties held or attended were where I knew most people. It was abnormal to watch more than a hundred noisy strangers chatting and laughing in a private home. While I help people in need, I thought, this is what the world gets up to...
A live band played to a watching audience. Someone needs to start the dancing. I pulled Greta to the dance floor. She was a ballerina, so danced with grace, rhythm and creativity. I can't dance. But my ex-wife was a ballerina, and girlfriends were dancers - temple, belly, limbo, ballroom, tap, tango, boxing (!) etc. I'd learned to copy them, so copied Greta's creative moves. It wasn't John Travolta, but watchers said it was beautiful to see two people dancing at one with the music and each other. Greta leaned back on my outstretched arm, her hair touching the ground, and repeated on my other arm. Thank God I do 300 press ups daily. It feels good to have fun and not help anyone for a change.
After others started dancing too, we met Greta's friend. Terri turned her head to talk to me. She moved too slowly. I can't help asking. 'Do you have neck trouble?'
Yes,' Terri said. 'Arthritis. Almost everywhere. This hand's the worst. Terribly painful.'
Oh well, here goes. I had fun. Time to do God's work again. 'Maybe I can help? I'm a healer. May I hold your hand?'
'Great chat up line,' Terri laughed. 'You can hold hold my hand, but I don't believe in healing.'
'I'm not trying to cure you. But the pain should relieve. Then you'll see the potential and visit a healer regularly. In doctors' surgeries, about 71% of people are helped.'
'I still don't believe it. Just hold my hand.'
A lady nearby spoke up. 'I was sceptical,' she said. 'I had a damaged knee that doctors could not help. I could hardly walk. I healer cured me. You should try it.'
10 minutes later, Terri's hand was pain-free for the first time in years. 'But it's still stiff,' she complained.
'I didn't try to heal stiffness, I tried to heal your pain and it's gone. Will you see a healer now?'
'Yes,' she said.
Hmm, will she? Some people disbelieve healing so deeply, they suffer rather than chance being cured.