Here's the story. Ghost researchers met at a house in Euclid, Ohio, USA, because the owner, Dianne Carlisle, said she'd seen two ghosts having sex each other in her "living room". Or should it be, "living-and-dead room"?
Dianne told the Fox affiliate in Cleveland, "It looks like ghosts having sex. You can see the lady's high heeled shoes!"
Ohio-based investigator David Jones tolf HuffPost Weird News, "This has never been reported before. It would be interesting to know more about the house, especially [Carlisle's deceased sister], who supposedly left a voice-mail message from the afterlife. However, I don't think that has anything to do with [the sex], but I do wonder how long it's been going on." Jones added that he'd love to investigate this afterlife orgy.
Amy Allan is sceptical. She's a paranormal expert and stars in the Travel Channel's "The Dead Files." Allan told HuffPost Weird News, "I have heard of people having sex with ghosts, but not this." She continued that there's not a ghost of a chance she'll film an TV episode of the horny haunted house, and joked, "It's better for the Playboy Channel, than the Travel Channel."
Another paranormal researcher, Alexandra Holzer says it's an unusual case, but it's not uncommon. Her father, Hans Holzer, pioneered in the paranormal field. She said, "These could be two spirits who knew each other in life and have a connection to the house. It's also possible that the ghostly lovers had no connection with each other when they were on Earth and simply found themselves in the After-world.
Alexandra suggested the house needs good researchers, and psychics to communicate with any spirits that may be lurking. She said, "You have to speak to ghosts conversationally, and say something like, 'I can appreciate it that you have a connection with each other, but we have children here."
My point is, there are countless fake videos of ghosts online.
Just a question because I'm not a fan of most conspiracy theories, but...
Was this video deleted because it's not fake, it's real?