I'm blessed with an excellent memory, and remember whole conversations word for word. I scan books in minutes, and remember where sentences are on each page. I remember where every item in my properties is kept. But I'd never seen these framed words before.
"Accept me, my Lord, accept me for this while.
Let those orphaned days that passed without thee
Be forgotten.
Only spread this little moment wide across thy lap,
Holding it under thy light.
I have wandered in pursuit of voices that drew me
Yet led me nowhere.
Now let me sit in peace and listen to thy words
In the soul of my silence.
Do not turn away thy face from my heart's dark secrets
But burn them until they are alight with thy fire."
- Rabindranath Tagore
Probably a person popped it there, although one friend believes it's a mystical manifestation.
Whatever, they are beautiful words for those in need.
Too many people are orphans, without father or mother God in their lives, for too long.
Too many people wander in pursuit of a husband or wife, or their soul path, or whatever, yet are drawn by promises down dead alleys.
And too many people need to let God's fire burn problems in their hearts until all that's there is Light.