Perhaps the problem is, many practitioners have little confidence it will work. And others still get surprised when it does work! Last night, at my local fortnightly Reiki Sharing Group, as usual some had little confidence, and others were surprised!
It's natural and normal for Reiki practitioners to have a lack of confidence. After all, they're using an energy force that most people can't see, and many can't feel. Even if they can see or feel Reiki energy, maybe patients can't. The answer to a lack of confidence is the old Nike slogan - "Just do it!"
Years ago, patients came from around the world for one of my healing days, booked in slots from 8.30am. Before starting, I felt unwell, and lacked confidence, and said to my secretary, "I don't feel up to this today. I'm not sure I'll get good results."
She replied, "I've heard that before."
The answer is, that Nike slogan - "Just do it!". My first patient hadn't eaten or drunk without pain for four years. After the healing, he stayed at the Centre eating and drinking all day, joyously pain-free.
The next patient had seen me three times previously. Nothing had helped. She still needed two walking sticks to get around slowly. After this healing, she threw the sticks away, and danced up the road! I had to follow, just in case...
I finished the next morning at 1am, with many patients cured or put into remission. Confidence to "Just do it" is a lesson most Reiki healers must learn, even after years of healing.
Last night, Ted said he wasn't confident about helping others. Ha! He then healed Teresa's painful and partially paralysed arm and shoulder. She left feeling pain-free, with full arm movement. It was a miracle, really. (A miracle is something a doctor could not do.)
Teresa was surprised it had helped. And surprised she then healed a pain in Ted's back so he was pain-free too! It was a miracle, really. (A miracle is something a doctor could not do.)
Natalie was also surprised. She'd had a painful broken toe, and it was healed/cured in one brief session by the Reiki group. It was a miracle, really. (A miracle is something a doctor could not do.)
Miracles should not be that surprising. There's stacks of evidence about the effectiveness and efficacy of Reiki.
This morning, I googled "Reiki research articles". Check out the first page. Some are more academic than others. The evidence is out there, that Reiki can achieve surprising results. It won't always work. But evidence shows it can. Like Nike, all we have to do, is "Just do it".
If you haven't studied Reiki yet, perhaps now is the time? You never know when you might need a miracle?