Spiritual Warriors often fight from lower consciousness, from ideals they deem to be righteous. They fight for "Truth", and "Justice" they believe to be God's, yet the truth and justice is their own idea. Spiritual Warriors exist through the ages, revered within societies they love, but rarely respected by outsiders they harm. Their motivation is their own battle plan, an ego that cannot be conquered.
I meet such Spiritual Warriors helping their dog, cat, friend, charity, or society needs. So often feelings of desperation seep through their being, especially if they don't succeed as quick as they want.
Contrast that to Angels who fight for "Truth" and "Justice" too, with a higher perspective of all-embracing love. Not for Angels teenage tantrums of wanting their ideas to succeed. Angels seek love in everything, and harm to nothing. Because they harm nothing intentionally, they're respected by most outsiders. Angels have a lighter touch, a manner that speaks beauty in every movement.
I meet such Angels, equally happy at successes and failures, floating through life, touching their love to help where possible, gently. So often, feelings of peace emanate from Angels who simply care as much as they can.
But what if the Angel supports Archangel Michael? Archangel Michael has the sword of battle, the armour of God's protection, the shouts of war-cries. Angels belonging to his realm fight toughly too.
Discernment is needed here. For how can one tell the difference between a Spiritual Warrior, and a tough Angel belonging to Michael's band?
The difference is, Michael's Angels have the touch of God's LOving wisdom. They take tough action with tough LOve, but tough LOve with least harm. Michael's Angels may be misunderstood, often by friends or family closest to them. Because those closest more easily know human faults, and cannot see within the caring soul. They only see a Spiritual Warrior.
The path for Michael's troops is peace, but peace at a price of being misunderstood.