Huh? I was teaching a class to channel high frequency Love, over 7,000 hertz. It’s common for students to see and feel the energy of love, sometimes even hear it. It’s rare to smell and taste Love.
‘Can you describe the smell and taste?’
‘I’ve never experienced anything like it. It’s like pressure of a hot waterfall, hot but without heat, like lighting a match and seeing the flame before you feel the heat. Do you understand?’
‘Maybe. The heat we feel during healing can’t easily be measured in physics. What else?’
‘It’s not like the taste of chocolate, but like the energy of chocolate, like as soon as it’s gone you want more, because it smells and tastes so good. Like... not a usual taste, more an acquired taste, like to make you want to be on another planet where everything’s more advanced. We’re like cavemen here... do you understand?’
‘When you experience highest Love, you want more because it’s so beautiful, not like anything normally available on Earth.’
‘So it’s OK to smell and taste Love like that?’
‘No, it’s not OK,' I replied. 'It’s brilliant. You have a rare gift. But only use that highest Love to heal yourself or others. Otherwise it becomes an experience to escape from earthly negatives, a drug of Love. Please enjoy your healing outcomes, maybe not the experience quite so much?’