John didn't seem that bad, apart from the size of his muscles and scars.
"I was in prison." he said matter-of-factly, "A Christian came in and prayed for us. It changed my life. I now travel the world helping prisoners."
Here's his page on a Chriistian website.
A tougher story is tough to find - especially with such a beautiful ending.
More respect.
Back in the 90s I worked in UK prisons as a trainer for complementary and alternative therapists. We helped prisoners and staff release negative emotions, attitudes, and states of mind. Immensely successful outcomes were achieved - every negative we measured, reduced significantly. But that's another story...
In the outside world it's tough for prisoners to be helped. If they go to a therapy, yoga, or meditation class, drugged-up buddies scoff - or worse.
It's easier to help while they're inside prison.
John emailed me this striking photo - he took it himself, with permission, of prisoners asleep in Gambia, just before he spoke about Jesus and love.
Hopefully he changed at least one of the prisoners lives in this photo?