Academic and case study research evidence is astonishing that healing helps many conditions. For example, healers in UK doctors' clinics have been shown to help 71% of the chronically sick patients doctors couldn't help. I'll write more on researched outcomes into the effectiveness of healing in future posts, including distant healing.
Some non-researched outcomes though defy logic. Last week, a man emailed - he could hardy walk, and an op could lead to paralysis. (His story was altered to protect anonymity). I replied by email, and sent healing thoughts...
This reply came back, exactly as below.
"Blessings Sensei Allan. Thank you for praying for me. I can sense you have placed a flexible rod in my spine to help me. I am grateful. I am honoured."
The "flexible rod" defies logic, but is a real experience of other patients too. Time will tell if or how effectively this man is helped. That "miracle" would simply be a positive outcome that his doctor couldn't achieve.