1. Big Mac D is a large, flaming red haired Scotsman. "I was sitting in my lounge with my wife," he said, when suddenly, up to the top right there was a bang and a big white flash."
"Electric problems?" I asked. I'm a great believer in coming down to Earth first!
"No, there's no electrics anywhere near there. We both heard the bang and saw the white light."
"St Paul on the road to Damascus saw a while Light. He knew it as God enlightenment. Did it change your beliefs in God?"
"No. We thought it was psychological."
"Carl Yung the psychologist wrote about bangs and white light. They are common mystical experiences."
"Nah. There's nothing mystical or Godly. We had problems mentally."
"It's mystifying to me," I said, "why some people believe an experience is mysticism or God, and others believe they were ill."
2. An estate agent/realtor, a pretty lady in her 30s, with long dark hair and glasses, viewed one of my properties. "Do you have an email address?" she asked.
I gave her a card, outlining my work with angels, writing, mystical, blog, spirituality, therapies and healing. "Do you believe in angels," I asked.
"Yes, I do actually."
"Is that because you look like one?" It was a serious comment. She probably is an angel on earth but doesn't know it yet.
"I know they're there. I see ghosts too."
"What ghost have you seen?"
"Last week, I viewed a property the owner wanted to rent out, and saw a ghost. It came towards me, and entered me. Went right through me." She smiled.
"Did you ask the house owner about the ghost?"
"No. I couldn't do that. I couldn't tell others."
"I might write that in my blog. You see ghosts, but won't talk about it?"
"OK, write about it. But don't mention me!"
It's mystifying... almost everyone's had mystical experiences, yet either think they are mentally ill, or refuse to talk about it openly to others.
Why can't you share your angelic, mystical, and unusual experiences openly to everyone?