Years ago I stopped Reiki advertising, and then deleted my Reiki website, to focus on ‘helping the world’ with other projects. But I still get enquiries, three today. It’s always interesting ‘why’ they wish to learn.
The reasons I learned to start with was
1) face-to-face to relieve suffering, and
2) face-to-face to progress souls on their paths to achieve their destiny.
The three enquirees today said their reasons for learning were:
1) Man - To help the mental illness he’d had for three years
2) Woman - To help her mother have more peace as she dies with cancer
3) Woman - To help a charity that cares for children with aspergers
There are so many reasons ‘why’ people learn Reiki. But if they continue practising Reiki, their reasons ‘why’ they do it will almost certainly change.
My reasons ‘why’ I wish to teach Reiki now have also changed.
1) I now help students become happier, because science suggests that if we make one person happier, about 80 people around them become happier too! (see under 'ultimate purpose')
2) I help practitioners make a bigger difference to our world. From thousands of students I’ve taught, it won’t take many to change our world for the better.
I hope today’s three enquirees change the reasons ‘why’ they learned Reiki, to help others achieve big dreams too. It won’t take long to help millions...