Imagine having stomach pains for two years, a stomach "tumour" increasing like a 7-month pregnancy, and then 'giving birth' to an alien creature.
After my lecture in Adelaide, at a Polish friend's spiritually-decorated home, we discussed her enlarged stomach. It didn't fit any health pattern I'd heard
Here's her edited email received yesterday.
I was very sick for 2 years. It started in the tummy with occasional dull pain, then sporadic pain. Gradually the pain increased in frequency and severity.
I would rock on the floor in severe pain for hours until it eased, and then I'd be OK for 6 to 8 hours and then it would start again.
As my stomach got bigger, the pain seemed to get worse.
Eventually, the pain moved to the small intestines. I became so weak I passed out for a few hours before finally getting the pain out of my body.
I looked in the toilet, and saw a spiky creature, little, but a monster for my tummy.
The creature seemed alien. It was about 3cm long, like a caterpillar accept for fluffy fur, spikes all around, and 3 tails. Each tail had the shape of a spade card symbol on the end - like in-turned hearts. I was so surprised, I immediately flushed it down the toilet!
It had lived in my stomach - not affected by the acid! Prior to it being removed I felt it passing through my small intestine. Sharp spikes dug into the intestine walls. Eventually, after almost passing out for a few hours in a chair, I released it through the back passage! Wow.
A week after, I had different tummy pains, like sever ulcerations (lacerations?). A lovely traveller man had made an electrical healing device. Frequencies went through even the bone areas, to help heal me. Specially prepared Slippery Elm also healed me, as did powerful homeopathics, pure sulphur crystals and more.
I'm now happy and chirpy about life, especially about my new flat tummy. :-)
Please do keep in touch - love to hear from you and your adventures.
Maj x